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Powerbalance Bracelet and Golf performance

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by DTT, May 11, 2011.

  1. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Well Ian, were you wearing it today when we had our return golf match ??....I never Noticed :rolleyes:

    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  2. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    No comment. :eek:
  3. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Thats unusually shy of you Ian, your usually forthright with the "results" of your efforts ?????:D
  4. blinda

    blinda MVP

  5. You go Del.

    Revenge is best served cold.
  6. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    pins in my eyes would not drag the information of the result of the re match from me, :rolleyes::D


    Yes I know Ians maths are not that good but there is no need to test him on here :D

  7. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Your very quiet Ian......wots up ?????:rolleyes:

    I told you on your merriment at the first result, in golf, wot goes aroung comes around and.....its here :D:D

    Cumon mate tell us about your drive on 10....awsome :drinks


    the cheesy chips ;)

    Cheers Buddy

  8. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Ok ok, I'll speak up (for those who care) and take it on the chin.

    A combination of horrendous tee shots and p!ss poor putting left me standing on the 10th tee with Del having won 8 of the previous 9 holes, with only 9 left to play. I believe my words to him were "This could be epic. I could be on the brink of one of the comebacks of all time here". I then crushed my tee shot on 10 about 250 yards down the middle of the fairway. I honestly thought it was the start of my 'movie' fight back. That lasted about 3 minutes, and a poor approach shot and some Stevie Wonder putting later, we had halved (drawn) the hole.

    I'm now 8 down with 8 to play standing on the 11th tee. I can't win anymore, only draw overall. I still fancy it though... I can see in Del's eyes he thinks I've got the goods in my locker to pull it off... and then I hit my tee shot on 11 out of bounds. Game over. Del wins the hole, and I've run out of holes. Hands are shook on the 11th green. For those that know anything about matchplay golf that is almost as embarrassing as it gets.

    I eat my cheesy chips, get in my car and hop back on the M25 and hurry home to lick my wounds. Bad day at the office. I don't think I could've hit the ball worse with my driver if I'd have left the headcover on!

    I'll get ya next time big man.
  9. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    My friend it was an enjoyable day made even better by your willingnes to accept a bad round ( yes you obviously upset the golf god :eek:) with such good grace and humour, thank you :drinks

    I know many that would have been swearing cursing and moaning all the way round ( and most of us have been there) to make it a miserable day for all.

    It was good fun and a pleasure to play with you today as before.

    I'll let you into a secret, I got beaten in the same place in a club competion many years ago by a bloke playing of 26 ( I was off 14 at the time) I played as well as I played with you today. He was 4 under par GROSS by the time we reached the 11th laughing along with his mate who he brought along as his caddy, and the oh i've never played like that before" comments.
    I was so angry I wouldnt complete the rest of round and walked in coz THAT just dont happen. He was a cheat and was eventually caught out and thrown out of the club.

    We played off our club handicaps today, so now you have a "real one" I only had to give you 2 shots. Hard aint it when your off your game ??

    You were a credit to golf Ian and my micky taking is all in good part and nothing malicious just a wind up.

    Slow the swing down to a blur, keep your head still with the putting against the prospective father in law next week, keep a positive mindset and whoop his ass !!!

    The game will come back eventually...honest

    I'm sure we will meet for a rematch at some point albeit as you know I am not renewing my membership at the club this year.

    Thanks again mate and for being a VERY good sport.

    D ;)
  10. Ian:

    Should I hold you personally responsible for the renaming of our basketball arena here in Sacramento to the name of the bracelet you are wearing on your wrist?


    It was a sad day for the community here in Sacramento when the Maloofs decided to rename the arena after a bracelet that does nothing more than give the company that sells them huge profits....

    Many of us here thought they should have renamed the arena Placebo Pavilion.....at least placebos have been shown by scientific research to do something positive for the person who takes them.:rolleyes:
  11. Paul Bowles

    Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    I'm wearing one right now, and its making my post > yours!!! I'm going to put one on each wrist - wait until I make a post using that kind of power.
  12. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Am I alone in thinking Placebo pavilion is actually a pretty cool name?? :D

    As you say Kevin the placebo effect is well documented. As is the lucky charm effect. These are the real reasons I bought a powerbalance band (not to mention I'm a terrible sheep when it comes to golfing trends). That said it has actually been off my wrist for about 3 weeks now. Perhaps after yesterdays performance (or lack thereof) I should consider resurrecting it...

    Kevin, if the Kings win the western conference of the NBA next season I promise to take full responsibility ;)
  13. Rick K.

    Rick K. Active Member

    Got this bridge with a great view of New York to sell...and it comes with a free power bracelet.
  14. musmed

    musmed Active Member

    Australia in front of the world!!!
    this stupid thing went through Australia LAST year!
    The ACCC (consumer people with legal powers) made them withdraw most of their advertising in October 2010 due to sham, placebo study results as well as dramatic claims.
    It is now rare to see any person from a footy player to Joe Blow in the street wearing them.
    Last year they were more common than tatoos and that's saying something.

    The only thing wrong with it is I did not think of it first.

    Paul Conneely
  15. Griff

    Griff Moderator

  16. Old news, Ian.

    I wonder how many suckers actually spent their hard-earned money on those bracelets hoping to improve their athletic performance.;)
  17. Magic beans.

    In a world where people sell small bottles of water WHICH THEY ADMIT CONTAIN NOTHING BUT WATER and people buy it believing it will protect them from malaria, I'm surprised anyone turned a hair at magic holographic bracelets!
  18. Ian Drakard

    Ian Drakard Active Member

    Hope you've stocked up on spares while you still can Ian? Make sure you don't buy them on sale price though or they won't work ;)
  19. The only thing worse than the PowerBalance Bracelet is the Phiten Rope Necklace being worn by so many pro baseball players here in the US.

    Attached Files:

  20. Robert going to love this one.

    Ian make sure it is on the Christmas list for :santa: :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
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