< Biomechanical Approach in Facilitating Long-Distance Walking of Elderly People Using Footwear Modifi | Foot pressure analysis of gait pattern requiring different personal care s >
  1. WillMo Member

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    Hi all,

    I'm wanting to begin some falls prevention classes in accordance with the exercise physiologist at my work. Essentially, we would run one class each per week, with my classes focusing on lower leg/foot/ankle strength and proprioception.

    I'm quite happy that this is within my scope of practice, as I've had the theoretical background teaching at university, plus a practical competency by sitting in with an exercise physiologist.

    The only issue is of course that podiatry doesn't have codes for class-based interventions. Our work-around for this would be that I could act as an allied health assistant to our exercise physiologist, whereby they sign off on all the lesson plans, and also pop their head into the classes routinely. In that, we are hoping that we can use exercise physiology codes for this purpose, wherein I'm working as an AHA rather than a podiatrist for the classes. I would then invoice the EP for my classes. Can anyone see any issues with this? Or any simpler solutions?

    My concerns would be that I invalidate my insurance if for example a fall occurs in the class and a patient hurts themselves, or that we will be audited, and they find that we are wrongfully using the codes. The role of allied health assistants are so poorly defined, so it's difficult to get a proper answer for this.

< Biomechanical Approach in Facilitating Long-Distance Walking of Elderly People Using Footwear Modifi | Foot pressure analysis of gait pattern requiring different personal care s >

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