< This Little Piggy | You know that your having a crap day when.... >
  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

  2. Griff Moderator

    It tightens and tones the transverse arch... wow... it must be magical... (sigh)
  3. Griff Moderator

    Oh theres more:

    To paraphrase Craig from another thread:

    If weak arch muscles lead to a high arch foot (as in the 'intrinsic minus foot' in diabetic neuropathy and the cavus foot in CMT), surely that means strengthening the arch muscles will cause the arch to lower and that has to be a bad thing????
  4. Graham RIP


    I have a buddy podiatrist just moved to Dubai. I'll see what I can drag up from the source!
  5. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Once it was clear precisely what steps go wrong in the foot structure

    Crystal clear....anyone any ideas? BTW do you think the pun was intended?

  6. Bug Well-Known Member

    I wonder if it would work on my wrinkles?
  7. fatboy Active Member

    Awww, and i thought it would be something to keep the rain of my new shoes...
< This Little Piggy | You know that your having a crap day when.... >

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