< newbie!! | Hi, interested in running analysis >
  1. annie09 Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, I'm just exploring the idea of making a career change and training as a podiatrist. I'd love to hear some of the reasons other people were drawn to the profession, whether it turned out as you expected and if training and education gets you through the queasiness of cutting into other human beings, or if people either 'have it' or 'don't'. Would love to hear your views...
  2. emmasweet Member

    hey i am just new to this forum so i hope i can help! i graduated from my podiatry training from uni over 4 years ago. i have no reason on why i decided to pick podiatry as my career i just decided to try it out after reading about it in the uni prospectus as i have no problems with bodily odours, blood etc. i wanted to go into a medical profession to try and help people and you can certainly do this for people - it is very rewarding to help a patient become pain free or near enough and when you eventually heal a foot ulcer!! the training is very intense as you have a mixture of clinical time and classes (foot modules, anatomy, pharmacy, legal issues etc) and you need to know your stuff as the lecturers need to know you are safe to treat!! there is no way you can spoof!! also you need to continue studying afterwards as you need to keep uptodate with new techniques and treatment. if you have problems with smells, pus, blood then you definately shouldnt think about it as its not all cutting toenails, debriding hard skin or making orthoses for people shoes. i work in the nhs which is tough going due to high demand on the service due to increasing ageing population and increase in high risk diseases who can have medical foot conditions!! its rewarding most of the time however, you need to be thick skinned as you get alot of abuse from some patients! i wont say you have it or you dont but you can do some damage with a blade and if you dont have a steady hand there maybe some problems ahead!! i hope this helps
< newbie!! | Hi, interested in running analysis >

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