< Podiatry in Germany & Switerland | Dermatology help please >
  1. footplant Active Member

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    I'm trying to get hold of the following two papers as my hospital library doesn't have access to them. If anyone has these and could send me a copy that would be hugely appreciated.



    Partial foot amputations in children. A comparison of the several types with the Syme amputation.
    Greene WB, Cary JM. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1982 Mar;64(3):438-43.

    Use of Prostheses (orthoses) and Footwear in 110 Inner –City Partial Foot Amputees. Sobel E et al JAPMA Volume 91 Number 1 34-49 2001.
< Podiatry in Germany & Switerland | Dermatology help please >

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