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    Good day all
    I am currently doing my thesis on the effect that the otrhoses made by students haveon the plantar pressure in patients who pronate excessively and would pls want some articles that could be recomended Thanks in advance
  2. Seriously ? you want people to do your research for you.

    Good luck , try Google and Google scholar for a start

    I could give you in my day story before the internet and libraries but I will not waste any of your time as you have search engines to use
  3. No just suggestion of where to look etc why can't I ask for suggestions of artilcles
  4. No just suggestion of where to look etc why can't I ask for suggestions of artilcles
  5. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    A big chunk of your degree learning process is to carry out your own research, part of which is exploring search engines and reading through refs to find out what is appropriate in your area of research. It can be tedious at times, but that's research for you.

    You may ask on forums for references, but if you do that on here you will attract the type of (excellent) advice which Mike has already given.
    Mike, as usual, was very polite.
    He gave you two places to start looking. Google Scholar is particularly good.

    Have fun.
  6. Brian A. Rothbart Well-Known Member

  7. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    You won't necessarily want to quote one author either, or use his work as a source for all your refs.

    That is all.
  8. Thank you may you be blessed
  9. Thanks I am exploring al other sources in our university library and their journal databases as well
  10. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    Contact Tony Duffin. He did his PhD with me a million years ago on juvenile diabetic feet. Among other things, he looked at plantar pressures and orthoses, Rob
  11. You should also be aware of the limitations of the technology and the implications that this has upon the conclusions drawn from research in which this technology is employed.

    Spooner SK, Smith DK, Kirby KA.: In-shoe pressure measurement and foot orthosis research: a giant leap forward or a step too far? J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2010 Nov-Dec;100(6):518-29.

  12. Super Pod Student:

    First of all, welcome to Podiatry Arena.:welcome:

    Before I get into answering your questions, I have a few suggestions for you.

    First of all, you will receive many more responses if you give us your real name. Most of us are very busy and we will be more likely to answer your questions if we had your real name and know a little bit about you. Please provide your real name.

    Secondly, you should not post messages up here on Podiatry Arena that appear like one of the text messages you send to your friends. This is an international academic forum with many very well-known podiatrists who lecture both nationally and internationally on your subject of interest. You should take the extra time to spell, punctuate and use proper grammar in your messages or you may be viewed by many as just another lazy podiatry student: something that many of us have seen over and over again and not worthy of our time and consideration. I'm sure you don't want that.

    Third, when you ask a question of us, please tell us what you have already found about the subject so far in your own research. None of us want to do the work for you if you haven't already done some of the work yourself. Part of being a student is learning how to research a problem. I'm sure your instructors don't want us to do all the work for you.

    Now, on to your question. Foot orthoses work by altering the plantar location, magnitude and temporal patterns of the ground reaction forces acting on the foot during weightbearing activities. In doing so, foot orthoses can not only affect the external moments acting across the joint axes of the foot and lower extremity but can also affect the internal moments, internal forces and internal stresses acting within the structural components of the foot and lower extremity.

    As Dr. Spooner noted, plantar pressure measuring systems have the problem of not being able to detect medial-lateral or anterior-posterior shearing forces which may obscure the true nature of how foot orthoses perform their many therapeutic functions. Our paper from three years ago goes into this problem of not being able to detect non-vertical forces with plantar pressure measuring systems in great detail.

    You may want to also ask your professor what the term "pronates excessively" actually means if indeed these are his/her words, and not your own. Is pronating excessively mean that subtalar joint is pronated from neutral (very, very common), the subtalar joint axis is excessively medially deviated (common), has a calcaneal bisection line that is everted to the ground (not a good indicator of subtalar joint rotational position or subtalar joint axis spatial location) or has symptoms related to excessive subtalar joint pronation moments??

    If you want to continue this dialogue, taking my suggestions into consideration, I will take the time to answer your questions. I'm sure that many more podiatrists and podiatry students will likely also find the information valuable for their continued intellectual development.
  13. Good day again
    I want to apologise for my poor grammar and spelling in my previous posts. After a few months of not having an internet connection I read over them and felt ashamed by how bad it was.
    Thank you mr Kirby for your suggestions I will truly take them into consideration whenever I post on this forum again.
    Stephen J V
< Strain counterstrain in the treatment of patients with chronic ankle instability | Leg Length difference in runners >

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