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  1. Dr_Shibu Member

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    I have noticed various blogs authored by podiatrists as well as Ask the Expert sites (like this one). I was wondering if anyone knew how much liability you are exposing yourself to if you participate in something like this. Is there an assumed assumption of risk if someone is taking advice from the internet even though it is a professional who is giving the advice? Aside from theory, does anyone know of any actual malpractice suits brought forth simply from advice given over the internet?
  2. admin Administrator Staff Member

    We do not accept questions from 'patients' here (see this discussion and forum rules). We prefer to direct them to the Foot Health Forum (and take their RSS feed here). This announcement does ask for contributors to help answer the increasing number of questions.

    Foot Doc who contrubutes a lot their, has this disclaimer in each message:
    I hang out and contribute to a couple of forum admin communities and the topic of legal liability for what gets posted in messages comes up often (not usually in the medical context though). I am not aware of any litigation YET due to bad advice given, which dosen't mean that it will not happen. I guess preventative measures are better.
  3. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

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