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  1. Nicole22 Member

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    I was wondering if someone could clarify something for me? I am hoping to find work in Australia once qualified, however I've recently been told I do not need to sit the entry exams because I will have graduated from an approved podiatry school yet when I read up on the APC website it seems to be at their discretion whether or not you are exempt. if anyone has any helpful information on the move as a new grad I'd be really grateful!

  2. Hi Nicole,
    maybe best to send an email to APC they will be able to give you the most upto date information.
  3. Kerry Pennington Welcome New Poster

    Hi Nicole, I too am wanting to work in Australia once I have qualified, (Im an ozzy who is study in the UK). I contacted the Australian Podiatry Board about 6mth ago and was told that by the time I have qualified things would have changed (Im currently a 2nd yr student) It seems to be different from state to state so you need to be registered in the state that you want to work in, so that means if you move state you then need to register within the new state too. Im going home in August and am hoping that I can clarify things a bit more from that side.
  4. And all of that is changing with National registration which is coming into effect soon. There has been a thread about this in the Australian forum. You should go check it out Kerry. The state by state system is being removed.

    Here you go... http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showthread.php?t=44120

    Also Kerry :welcome: to Podiatry Arena
    Australian working in Sweden
  5. Tuckersm Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    the A.Pod.C. is no longer the responsible authority for assessing overseas trained podiatrists.
    It is now handled by ANZPAC http://www.anzpac.org.au/ though the examination process is still provided by the A.Pod.C. on behalf of ANZPAC.
  6. rowland75 Welcome New Poster


    I checked the ANZPAC and APODC sites and it still appears that APODC process the overseas applicants.

    Have I misread something?

  7. Tuckersm Well-Known Member

    Rowland, APodC still processess but under the direction of ANZPAC

    from http://www.anzpac.org.au/migration.htm
  8. Sarah_Natali Member

    It may have changed but when I was doing all that it said I needed to sit an exam -but in the end I didn't because i had qualified with a BSc from a UK school. It was a drawn out process but I didn't have to sit any exams. Just lots of forms and money.

    The national registration will make it easier - when I first came here I had to registered by NSW and VIC pod boards. I can't see it changing that you'll have to sit an exam...

    however I looked at the exam on line and it was all easy stuff you use in your day to day practise -it was mainly watching you do a clinic i think - which I'm sure you'll be fine at. So don't stress it. If you know your job I'm sure that even if there is an exam you'll be fine - they aren't trying to trick you. And OZ is so desperate for pods outside of the capital cities you can believe that.

    If Anyone wants to work in country Victoria let me know and I'll give you an email of the lovely place I used to work.
< Part Time Podiatrist | Podiatrists wanted for Ballarat not for profit >

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