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  1. LucyPod Active Member

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    I am currently a band 5 pod in the nhs & i have an interview next month for a band 6 job. It says i will have to do a 15 minute presentation.

    Has anyone else had to do a presentation before??? If so what on??:confused:

    I would be grateful for any tips :) Thanks :D
  2. BenjaminB Member

    Hi Lucy,
    If I were you I would ask your interviewer exactly what subject they would like you to present on. I would imagine they also want a powerpoint presentation so it might be an idea to see whether you need to bring your own computer or not.
    Good luck!
  3. LucyPod Active Member

    Thank you
  4. Katie123 Active Member

    I had to do a mock interview as part of my university degree (I've just graduated). They gave us the title "The Role of the Podiatrist in the Multidisciplinary team", which when you think about it can be interpreted many different ways. I looked at three types of teams 1)Diabetes 2)Rheumatology 3)Vascular - they said it could have been improved by detailing the advantages of having podiatry input in the teams rather than just saying what their role was.

    I think the main tips they gave me were 1) eye contact - don't continually look at your notes or the powerpoint, 2) don't put everything you're going to say on the powerpoint - use bullet points and then elaborate, 3) try to relax, make pauses don't rush what you are saying.

    Hope this helps

  5. LucyPod Active Member

    Thanks katie quite a few people have mentioned the multi disciplinary team & care pathways etc :)
  6. stephaniepod Member

    did you get it?
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