
If a marine animal dies in the ocean, where does all that plastic go that was in their stomach?

  1. Into another larger marine animal.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Into another smaller marine animal.

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< Plantar / Dorsi real-time ROM measurement | MMR Vaccine for Verrucae >
  1. Dr. Steven King Well-Known Member

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    If we really are our brother's keeper's and the stewards of our Earthly garden then perhaps we are not doing it very well?


    We can and should do better...


    Good Earth Science Question:
    7 billion good folks on this lovely planet
    5 pairs of foam-plastic shoes-slippers are bought and disposed of each year by each passenger
    1 cubic liter is used for each pair of shoes in landfill space for a long long time to go

    What would be the length of one side of a cube made of all the discarded footwear waste we expel each year?

    If a marine animal dies in the ocean, where does all that plastic go that was in their stomach?
    Should we then blame them for polluting the ocean when they die? :(
< Plantar / Dorsi real-time ROM measurement | MMR Vaccine for Verrucae >

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