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  1. Emmers Member

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    Did anyone manage to catch this debate at the Biomechanics Summer School, UK?

    I'm really keen to know what was said and the general outcome, if only Oz wasn't so far away Id have been there.
  2. Honestly, the topic of "Foot Moblisation vs Orthotic Therapy" occupied only about 5-10 minutes of the "Big Debate" with nearly everyone on the panel agreeing that there is no reason that both moblisation and orthoses can't be done for patients concurrently.

    The other two subjects that received much more attention during the 60 minute debate were:

    "Distal control versus proximal control in treating knee injuries in athletes: Which is most important?"

    "Do static measurements of the foot and lower extremity have any value in the prescription of custom foot orthoses?"

    I thought the debate went well. Too bad that both of the two debates at BSS 2015 couldn't have been recorded. They seemed to be both informative and a wee bit entertaining.

    After these two debates, Simon Bartold (TooMoon) and I both agreed that the next "Big Debate" should follow the pattern of the following Saturday Night Live skit.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  3. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Concur with Kevin. As an informal format I thought it worked well, not least as it allowed both attendees and panel to express "opinions", their blend of the science and the art in practice and thnking, in a relaxed manner.
< Foot and Lower Extremity Biomechanics: A Ten Year Collection of Precision Intricast Newsletters. R | is lateral foot posting always safe in medial knee OA treatment? >

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