< Jone's Fracture (fifth metatarsal) Happy healing! | PLEASE HELP - ingrown toenail >
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    About 6 weeks ago I had a horse land on my big toe ripping off the toe nail from the base and breaking the last bone in the toe across and fractured...

  2. kal Member


    I would think that if a horse has landed on your toe you can probably expect some pain for quite a while. If there is a 'bubble type wound' still present after 6 weeks then I would be getting it checked as there is most likely still an underlying problem there and possible infection and its always worth getting it checked.
    I would be keeping it clean and covered until you can get it checked but I would be doing it as soon as possible.
< Jone's Fracture (fifth metatarsal) Happy healing! | PLEASE HELP - ingrown toenail >

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