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  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Alexander wrote a book called Principles of Animal Locomotion a few years ago which is one of my favorite books in my library. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gait efficiency in humans and other animals.
  4. Mart Well-Known Member


    Thanks for this reference. I have read it a couple of times today and it has changed the way I am trying to organize my thoughts and helped explain why I am having problems arranging my fragments of understanding into a useful shape.

    I found the exercise in explaining modeled maximum theoretical vs actual achieved walking speed as a function of pelvic motion interesting and also the criteria for good modeling which I had no grasp of particularly helpful.

    I now realize that what I have probably been trying to do is create a “conceptual model” to explain why we do not walk like Groucho Marks despite the fact that this seems to be the gait which reduces COM excursion to a minimum. So far the most plausible explanation has already been hinted at which is to do with U Tube, this meets the criteria of defined function and probably pushes my pre-existing path towards oblivion. Anyhow will keep trying to keep my mind organized and possibly post something which appears half recognizable.


    The St. James Foot Clinic
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    R3J 0E6
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