< Vertical forces produce horizontal progression | The effect of different running shoes on treadmill running mechanics and muscle activity >
  1. markjohconley Well-Known Member

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    please, what exactly makes a 'biomechanical non-responder', thanks
  2. efuller MVP

    There was another thread on valgus wedging and medial knee pain. They reported on a study where they excluded patients who were given a wedge and there was no reduction in knee adduction moment. The theory is that the valgus wedge should decrease knee adduction moment and if there was no reduction, then they were a "non-responder". It is a situation specific issue. You have to decide what a response should be and then measure the response. You could have multiple definitions of non responder. From a quick reading the abstract, it sounds like there was a carefully defined definition in that study. That definition makes sense for that specific research question.
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< Vertical forces produce horizontal progression | The effect of different running shoes on treadmill running mechanics and muscle activity >

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