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  1. Pandalily Welcome New Poster

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    I have applied to Uni (through UCAS) to start Podiatry in Sep 2011.
    I have had a letter from Birmingham Met College (Matthew Boulton Campus) and I will be attending an informal interview on 28th March.

    I am also attending their open day this Saturday 19th March to see the campus and meet the tutors.

    What I want to know is..
    Is anybody there already studying?
    Is anybody going to the open day? and if so, will you be looking to find somewhere to live if you go? (I will need to find my own accomodation)
    Does anyone have any advice they can give me?

    Thank you in advance for any help! :eek:
  2. mamatootsies Member

    Hi Pandalily,
    welcome to 'podiatry arena', and hello! from a 3rd year pod student at 'BMET'.
    Get yourself a good anatomy and physiology book, and start learning your anatomy now! If you have plenty of spare time to get ahead, have a look at 'La Trobe' podiatry student lectures, they are great and very similar to our lectures (no public access to our computer system) If it's where you want to study, ask for Student Hand Book, it has Syllabus, you can prepare yourself for the coming year... I'm sure this site is best to suggest books.. Work hard, enjoy the enthusiasm the lecturers and fellow students share, and enjoy the next 3 years!
  3. Pandalily Welcome New Poster

    Thank you for the advice mamatootsies!

    Im currently trying to find the La Trobe lectures you mentioned. Am I right in saying that it is an Australian University?

    Is there an A&P (Anatomy & Physiology) book that you would recommend? I do have a small DK one and some flash cards.
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