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  1. conor16 Welcome New Poster

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    I am planning to go to Australia for a year Dec 2019. Will have 2.5yrs post grad experience by then in NHS & private.
    Current plan is to take a carer break and do casual jobs on a working holiday visa. However after research seems maybe these jobs are hard to come by because competition between back packers is so high.
    Question- I am considering working within Podiatry out there - however would you think I would get causal work? Would you think employers/agency work would take me on for short periods of time? To allow me to travel around? E.g For a few months then move on ? Just that registering seems to be very expensive if it doesn’t work out.
    Any opinions MUCH appreciated!
< Podiatry triage at orthopaedic clinic | Spanish podiatrist in Australia >

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