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  1. Boots n all Well-Known Member

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    Picture this, the retail space is full of children and their parents to get foot assessments and fitted for school shoes, last week of this period, so a lot of teenagers instore.
    A woman walk's in, aged in her 40's wearing Yoga gear, with her is her partially deaf father in his late 70's.

    l walk up and ask if she could come back later in the afternoon when its not so crowded, "It would be better for your father to make an appointment for later today"
    She replied, slow and in a slightly raised voice, so her Dad could hear what was being said.
    "Yeah its a bit crowded, we will come back at 4.00, but could you just quickly show Dad what sort of shoe you have for a Camel toe? He's Diabetic".

    l quickly replied "Not only do l have a shoe for that, l also have an orthoses for it, we will see you at 4.00pm then!"
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