< Podiatrist needed for Cardiff | Podiatrist required to cover domes in Angus/ Dundee >
  1. Andyvicparkclinic Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, I've opened up a series of rooms for self employed podiatrists, physiotherapists etc. in a beautiful area of Cardiff. The only clinic type environment for miles.
    Rooms are just £10.00 per hour, come with a bed, sink, receptionist, website, emedia, refreshments.
    We have a waiting list of clients requesting Podiatry treatment as well as connections locally with sport, health, and care facility.

    Visit us at: www.thevictoriaparkclinic.co.uk

    Or drop me a message: andrew.mccarthy@thevictoriaparkclinic.co.uk
< Podiatrist needed for Cardiff | Podiatrist required to cover domes in Angus/ Dundee >

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