< Nausea/dizziness caused by orthoses? | Adverse neural tension >
  1. footphysio Member

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    Just wondering how some of you run your clinic in terms of scheduling? How long are your inital visits and follow up treatments scheduled for etc.?
  2. betafeet Active Member

    Hello footphysio and welcome, are you asking NHS or private practioners and you will get a better response from members by using your name at th end.....

  3. markleigh Active Member

    Hi. I'm in private practice. New patients have a 40 minute consult & ongoing patients generally 20 minutes. This is flexible depending on complexity & need. Sometimes, an appointment may only be 5 minutes for a check/review. But the 40/20 is most common.

  4. drsarbes Well-Known Member

    Hi FOOT:
    I also am in private practice.
    We normally schedule 30 minutes for new patients but schedule 2 patients for each time slot. ReChecks get 15 min.
    As you can see, if we have no new patients in an hours time then we have 8 patients scheduled. Makes for a busy day.
    Patients that have a cast to be removed or a patient who we know will require a surgical consult will get more time. It helps when the person scheduling knows a bit about the medical side of the practice so she/he can make your day run smoother.
    Of course minor surgeries done in the office are scheduled per time needed, an exostectomy/digit for example will get 1/2 hr.

< Nausea/dizziness caused by orthoses? | Adverse neural tension >

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