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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    Competence and registration


    For those unaware the UK there has been a major reorganisation of Registration Boards and the Health Professions Council has replaced the old Professions Supplementary to Medine (Registration Authority) The UK has also come to terms with being part of EC as well as incorporate competencies into vocational pratice.

    I am in the process of compiling a checklist for a new undergraduate program which is based around HPC's competiencies for podiatry . If you are interested in reading this, see attachment.

  2. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    The checklist looks pretty comprehensive to me Cameron :) .
  3. Cameron Well-Known Member

    The list is a straight lift from HPC so it is not original. There is also a QAA list of competencies, both of which are used to validate new degree programs among other things.

    For pods in other parts of the world however the sum of the parts might give a comparison in terms of competencies. Professional reciprocity and freedom of labour certainly in EC and Commonwealth make this necessary and hence rather important elsewhere.

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