< C Ped (C) for hire in Edmonton | Chiropody/Podiatry Locum for maternity leave in beautiful Collingwood, ON >

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    Ok. I will start the first post:

    Why is it when you ask your patients to take off their shoes (so you can cast or scan their feet), the crazy thing I hear in 98% of replies is:

    " So, do you want make to take off both shoes?!"

    Does this just happen to me????

    (My reply in my quiet brain is saying," No duh, 1 shoe will do if you plan on hopping around on 1 foot the rest of your life"?)

    Sorry, it's been a long day! Too many smelly feet! Toenail dust has clouded my brain output!

    I wonder what's for dinner? :drinks
  2. Toerescuer Welcome New Poster

    Hey FootDude, (sorry do not know your real name :))
    The worst thing is not what they say, is what they do!! I hate, when patients take their socks and as they reach toes, they just fling them! With all the dry skin and God knows what else, flying right in my direction!
    Anyway, love your post. :)
< C Ped (C) for hire in Edmonton | Chiropody/Podiatry Locum for maternity leave in beautiful Collingwood, ON >

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