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  1. podresearch Welcome New Poster

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    If a patient has cryosurgery to relieve Morton's Neuroma pain what is the recommended "wait time" before performing a second procedure if the patient reports no significant pain relief? I have heard time frames from two to ten weeks, with some reporting that their standard treatment for neuroma is to repeat the procedure at about the two week time frame. Is it appropriate to wait the ten weeks or go in again quickly for a second ablation.
  2. drmkatz Member

    Here is my opinion. If it has been 2 weeks and there is no relief, then there will likely be no relief. So repeat at any time after that. It is important not to confuse post-op cryosurgery soreness with neuroma pain, so that should be evaluated closely. If the patient has obtained some relief, I will typically have the patient wait 6-8 weeks as I have found that patients often improve over time in that scenario.

    As far as ten weeks, I see no advantage to waiting that long.

    The bottom line is that it depends on the cryosurgeon. There is no standardized wait time. However, the goal is to obtain relief as quickly as possible.

    You can check my website for more detailed information in the FAQ section.



    Marc Katz DPM
    Tampa, FL
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