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  1. Inge Member

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    Hello there,

    I am a student podiatry from Holland. I am following your threads for a while now. Thanks for the interesting threads.

    Now I was wondering if anyone has some experience in treating plantar fasciitis with cure tape according to the medical taping concept.
    This will be my (our) graduationproject, but I can't find any (but one) articles on that subject.
    The main question is: Is this kind of therapy usefull in treating the plantar fasciitis in relating doing nothing or traditional taping. (as a temporary treatment)

    Any reaction is welcome.
  2. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Welcome Inge, sorry have not heard of "cure tape" Taping helps many feet in the short term. Look forward to hearing about cure tape?

    Good Luck with your studies.

  3. Inge Member

    Hi hj--ray

    The medical taping concept is about supporting the muscles and tendons (and other tissues) without restricting them. It is perfomed with elastic (cure) tape. Following link gives you more information. It is also called kinetic taping, maybe you've heard of it.

    http://www.medicaltaping.com/Medical Taping Concept/

    Recently I followed a course and this kind of taping may be of interest in podiatry. That's why I want to investigate it for my final project.

  4. Griff Moderator

    Hi Inge,

    You'll have more luck if you re-do your search for 'kinesiotape' rather than cure tape.

    Here's one to start you off: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/10582450903495882

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