< Masters in Podiatry | More cuts in Podiatry in the NHS >
  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

  2. DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

    oh Excrement lets slash and burn

    Dear All,

    Let me see :

    Nurses are a cost and and cost money when they tt patients.

    Admin and management are overheads and as such must not be viewed as a cost to be cut.

    So lets put our :

    primary role

    And only reason for being

    At risk to balance the books.

    A bit like a shop not buying stock as it has no money to buy stock. But damn keep HQ going.

    This kind of Govt sponsored nonsense is beyond most sane peoples comprehension.

    I wonder if Mangement run their household affairs in a similar manner.

    regards david
  3. Well David, it will either keep paying the bills or it won't. Can't say I'd feel like doing this for my company at cheaper rate if they made me me perform for them on a private basis. Most likely they are going to asset strip the NHS by selling large portions of it's work to large (US based?) health care companies (As has happened with community work in the Derbyshire area & is currently being challenged by a patient by legal process).
    No doubt following this large numbers of highly qualified Eastern European medical professionals will descend upon the NHS (ie be "recruited" in the fairest & most pc possible way) like the Orc Hordes of Mordor, well I guess we'll just have to see (ps any jobs in Oz?).
  4. Robin Crawley Active Member

    Darren this is interesting...

    I've often wondered if I could get an Eastern European Podiatrist on the cheap to do all my doms for me and any other work I do which I don't really like. - Like most of my local Dentists have got Polish Dentists in to do their NHS work. This is not meant to be a non-pc question by the way, I don't want anyone to get offended...

    But this is something I've pondered for sometime. I wonder what the salary of an Eastern Europen Dentist is as an employee as compared to a British one? In many care homes I go to, lots of them are staffed my Eastern Europeans who do a great job, are on a minimum wage, work really hard but are happy to be here because to them we are well off and pay good wages. Or am I being a bit capitalist here?



    PS. Hi David! I HAVE emailed you and messaged you again!
  5. DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

    Re Robin

    Dear Robin,

    recd a message via this forum recently. You should hev been informed that i read it.

    Dear Darren

    look at this sites job section and Thatfootsite job section.

    Contact the aus pod association for jobs.

    It is extremely hot here and Bush fires are all over the place.

    Very hot weekend forecast over 35c and hot winds.


    regards David
  6. Cameron Well-Known Member

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