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  1. curriedj Welcome New Poster

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    I am involved in a research project on the epidemiology of diabetic foot ulcer and part of the scope of this is to determine its prevalence, if any, in children and adolescents, or more specifically to find evidence that it does not occur or is extremely rare in this population.

    I want to be able to state that diabetic foot ulcer does not occur in children but despite a quite extensive search, I have been unable to find any research articles or literature reviews that can specifically show this.

    Diabetic foot ulcer incidence as a complication of diabetes clearly rises with age and the duration of the diabetes and the mean age of sufferers seems to be in the region of 40 to 50 years old. If I could find evidence, say, of a case study of the youngest known sufferer of diabetic foot ulcer and this individual was an adult then that would be good evidence of the argument that this disease does not occur in children.

    Can anyone help me with my research query?


    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  2. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Duncan,



    Thank you for joining. You may wish to repost in the Diabetes discussion forum. You could gain more responses to your question there.


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