< The STAP-study: Custom made orthotics for plantar fasciopathy | Calf stretching in non-weight bearing versus weight bearing >
  1. fostera Member

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    I recently started working with a podiatrist who does not use mod root style orthotics or d filler modifications due to fear or causing hallux limitus.
    This is not something that I have heard before and am wondering if this is a current idea or an old disproved theory.
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Anything that jams up the first ray and prevents first ray plantarflexion has a theoretical risk of increasing the risk for hallux limitus.

    The so called 'modified' root type orthotic design does not do this if it is prescribed, designed and made properly.
  3. David Smith Well-Known Member

< The STAP-study: Custom made orthotics for plantar fasciopathy | Calf stretching in non-weight bearing versus weight bearing >

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