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  3. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    Leave Trump be. His accomplishments, to date, as a non-politician running for the highest office in the country, is a phenomenon. Trump self funded (for the most part) has no ulterior motive, other than to restore the sanctity of his country.

    The Clintons are the most corrupt politicians in history. Motivated only by money and power. Period. Crooked Hillary is a pathological liar and ought to be behind bars for her crimes. Many lesser mortals suffered that fate for much less serious offenses. There is now a trail of murders linked to her campaign. The Democratic motivated media reports with a hitherto unheard of bias, misrepresentation and more lies. CNN = Clinton News Network. Even so, the Washington Post, a distinctly pro-Clinton rag, awarded Crooked Hillary four Pinocchios for her breath-taking lies.

    Let Trump be. And know this - you will not get a balanced picture from biased reporting.
  4. Hi Dieter

    In 1989 I was invited to speak at the Mid West Podiatry Conference in Chicago, but spent three days in NY lecturing at the American College of Cryosurgery and the NY Podiatry School. It was my first visit to the USA and naturally I travelled in my kilt, flying out of Prestwick to La Guardia. The trip was funded by the Scottish Development Agency as I was lecturing about a new piece of cryosurgical kit that was developed in Glasgow - and they spared no expense billeting me at the Plaza near Central Park.

    When my taxi arrived there was a piper in full Highland dress blasting out a tune at the top of the steps, which I thought was very kind and welcoming, but it turned out he was there for a Smithsonian Institute Dinner and I arrived at the same time as their guests were being piped in. As I picked up my luggage, a bloke who I thought was the manager ran down the steps to me and asked if I was "with the band"!

    When I said I was a guest, he was most apologetic and waved a bell-boy down to collect my luggage. The manager was effusive and couldn't apologise enough and told me about the Dinner and was delighted when I told him my home town was the same as Adam Smith's - Kirkcaldy. Made his day.

    I had a pocket full of dollar notes for tips and I made a point of giving him one and said to buy a drink after work and he laughed his head off. Took the note though.

    I didn't know it at the time but he wasn't the manager, but the owner - a much younger and slimmer Donald Trump. The following day I had lunch with him and his lovely wife, Ivana and we had a great chat about skiing in Scotland - a joy that she had never experienced. I had no idea who they were or how much of New York he actually owned - it wasn't until a year or two later when I watched a news item about him that the penny finally dropped.

    He certainly is a phenomena, whether America or the rest of the world is actually ready for him, that's another matter.

    There can't be too many podiatrists who have tipped the Donald a dollar though!

    Hope you're well.



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  5. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    Hi Mark,

    That is a terrific story! Anyone who has ever met Donald Trump talks highly of him. My wife has met Mr. Trump on several occasions. Since becoming a US citizen, in 2014, this is my first opportunity to vote. I made the effort to take a close look at the issues and the politics. Obama has been an utter disaster and a tremendous failure, for the US for reasons too numerous to write about. HC stands for a third Obama term and the continuation of policy that simply does not work.

    "Clintons Cash" and "Hillary's America" can provide some insight. Yet Democrats turn a blind eye, the media turns a blind eye.

    I am voting Trump, not because I am a confirmed Republican. I am voting Trump because he stands for sovereignty, national security, economic policies and health reform. He won the primary with the highest Republican vote in election history. He is taking on the conservative Republicans within his party, as well as the Democrats.

    Donald Trump attracts media attention because he speaks from the heart, and not a well rehearsed speech, read off the teleprompter and prepared by campaign writers. Instead of focusing on the issues the biased media distort and report only nonsense.

    I am voting Trump because he is capable of taking on the Washington establishment. Yes, Donald Trump is an unlikely presidential candidate. Yet in the last 18 months, or so, the naysayers have had to eat their words, time and again.
  6. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Not sure about the "most corrupt politicians in history"... but Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar... she's been so for a long time (i.e. Watergate investigation - Hillary Rodham)... in fact it runs in the family (could be where Bill honed his lying skills from). Hillary can't be trusted to say the least!
  7. He's certainly not the establishment ticket - much the same as Corbyn and Sturgeon on the UK. Last time a candidate took the US Presidency and wasn't the "preferred" option of the power brokers, he was married to Jackie Onassis..

    I hope Donald has good minders.
  8. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member


    Agreed. The world is a mess. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary people. We need those individuals who are prepared to take on the status quo of the establishment, right? ;-)

    I am not so up-to-date, now on British politics, but followed with interest the BREXIT movement. We got some coverage of Nigel Farage - he's amazing. Undoubtedly the UK will hurt, for a while, but the exit is a good decision. The EU is out of control. The globalists are out of control. Merkel's Europe is reaping the consequences of this disastrous misjudgment. It is the common people who suffer. It is extraordinary also, how much the media in Europe suppress the atrocities committed. Without a border you can have no country.
  9. Trump's mother came from Lewis where there are incredible stories of individuals shouldering against the strife. Don't know if Donald has heard of Calum MacLeod from Raasay who built a road joining two ends of his island so the local council would have to provide a school for the island's children - without them it faced depopulation. He dug and paved the road over three winters - an extraordinary tale of one man pitched against the senseless bureaucracy of the Scottish Office officials in Edinburgh, who refused to fund the construction - and shut the school anyway after MacLeod had completed his task. A truly inspiring man and a great read, if you can pick up a copy.
  10. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    I hear the Isle of Bute has more Syrian refugees than Scottish folk .... is that true?
  11. No idea, Dieter. When I grew up in Fife during the 60s and 70s we had Italian and a Polish family as neighbours and I thought we were very privileged and bohemian! Bute is a lovely island and will be a sanctuary for the refugees, especially the children who have a chance of experiencing a less traumatic childhood in beautiful surroundings. There's a good chance that English residents will outnumber those born on Scotland and/or Syria on Bute. That's cool too. We're all the same after all, yes?
  12. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member


    In a Utopian, idealistic world I would agree with you. Unfortunately the mass influx of Syrian refugees provides opportunity for wholesale infiltration of radical Islamic terrorists. This is confirmed by Syrian officials. The Trojan horse strategy. This is happening across Europe and America. Radicals are intent to kill the Infidel. That's you and me and anyone else who doesn't bow to Allah and the Quran. The atrocities of Paris and Germany must be well known to the UK. Women and children (as young as 5 years old, boys and girls) are being raped - there are now thousands of cases across Europe. People are getting killed. We have friends in Italy and know the media, and also the government, are covering up. Sad, but true. Sharia law is accommodated. Governments want the people to believe these are 'lone wolf' incidents. It isn't. It is a well coordinated campaign that will remain with us for decades. Mark, unfortunately we are not all the same.
  13. Lawrence Bevan Active Member

    We are all the same - in childhood. Children don't hate, they learn and are taught to hate by adults.

    We all need to stop teaching children to hate to create a better world.
  14. I pity the world for anyone who votes for such an unstable person as Trump

    and this guys gets the keys to the big red button

    and before this thread gets ugly

  15. Pandora's Box is well and truly open, that's for sure. I'm not religious so Islam is just as nonsensical to me as Christianity or Catholicism, but I do have some sympathy for muslims given that they were blamed for 9/11 when it was a much more subversive group who were responsible. Looking at the world from their perspective, they see their brothers and sisters in Palestine, terrorised and subjugated by an aggressive state supported by the west. My old man was in Palestine in 1957 and the Israelis were using Palestinian livestock on farmland as target practice. Now they use children.

    As Lawrence said, teaching children to love and not hate is the key. It really is that simple. We have a long way to go.
  16. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member


    We hear such comments a lot from the Democrats over here. Or from people who have heard only sound bites or media distortions. I have listened to each and every of Trump's speeches. He's neither unstable nor unfit for office. He is, however, highly sarcastic. Hillary Clinton has lied about lies. The Clinton Foundation is a money laundering operation. She is unfit for office on moral, ethical, legal and health grounds. She has a neurologist at her side, at all times. She stroked out in the past and likely is doing so right now. She advocated for the Iraq war when Trump spoke out loudly against it. Obama and Clinton pulled out of Iraq with indecent hast, leaving a disastrous vacuum that totally destabilized the middle east and gave birth to ISIS. Even if the Democrats have the answers for today's problems (and they do not) Crooked Clinton should be in jail, not in office. She screwed over poor Bernie Sanders (who had some better ideas) with election rigging (Wikileaks) and again this was proven with ever more scandal pouring out of the Clinton cesspit. She will likely try to rig elections with Trump also. She put the country at risk, using an illegal private server, then deleted 33,000 e-mails when she got caught and lied about that for 16 months. The FBI Director is on record to say she lied - and she still insists he said otherwise. This is a record that can go on and on. And yet, Democrats still want to vote for Clinton. Now, you tell me who we should feel sorry for? If the Democrats and HC get their way the US goes down the pan. Period. Seemingly some people want just that.
  17. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member


    I cannot agree with you. Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists who commit wholesale butchery and slaughter of the Infidel has nothing at all to do with a Muslim reprisal over 9/11. Nor are these animals interested in teaching their children to love and not hate. That is extreme naivety.

    You have to understand the nature of their religion and utter dedication to their bible. They want to kill you, because you are not Muslim. You, your family and your friends. That's it. No other reason. And for those countries who continue to offer unvetted, unregulated asylum to hoards and hoards of such minded individuals ... well, I wish you luck.

    On her way to work one morning
    Down the path along side the lake
    A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake
    His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
    "Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
    "Take me in oh tender woman
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake

    She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk
    And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
    Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived
    She found that pretty snake she'd taking in had been revived
    "Take me in, oh tender woman
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake

    Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
    "But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
    Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
    But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
    "Take me in, oh tender woman
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake

    "I saved you," cried that woman
    "And you've bit me even, why?
    You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"
    "Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
    "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in
    "Take me in, oh tender woman
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake
  18. Lawrence Bevan Active Member

    And what of the 100,000 or more Iraqi civilians killed by western armed forces in Gulf War 2? Is blood not on our hands too? At what point does this ever stop?

    Who made all these Islamic fundamentalist hordes? Oh yeah, I remember, the Republican Party with its illegal trillion dollar wars!

    Of course, now the Grand Ol Pardy has realised its messed up the world quite a bit, so better to build a big old wall around the US and stop anybody who don't speak 'mericun comin in.

    We wish you luck, you're gonna need it. End transmission.
  19. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    Lawrence Bevan,

    I agree. But you do not see far enough. The war on the Infidel far precedes this conflict. This has been ongoing for hundreds of years. The Obama administration has funded the war with it's $150 BILLION dollar nuclear deal. Iran is the world's biggest supporter of Islamic terrorists.

    Secondly, you're confusing Donald Trump with the Republican Party. Please read more carefully before you vent too vigorously. Donald Trump vehemently objected to the Iraq war. But since you're intent on ranting about matters why stop with the Republican party? Hillary Clinton supported the Iraq war.

    As for the wall. Nice sound bite. But sadly misguided. Do you live in America? If not, you can have no vote and no opinion. The wall is about national security. The prevention of terrorists finding easy access into America via Mexico. Only today an Islamic terrorist cell was identified and blocked. It's about stopping large scale violation of immigration laws from the Mexican border. it's about preventing rapists and murders re-entering America after Obama's administration lenient dismissal of charges. And do so time and time again. It's about preventing the massive influx of drugs into America. American kids are dying by the hundreds from heroin overdoses brought into America via Mexico. Do you want your kids to die?I'm guessing not. 16,000 border security guards endorse Donald Trump. The first time in history. Do you claim to know better than the professionals who risk their lives on a daily basis? If that isn't enough for you Lawrence Bevan, well then take down down the walls of your house. Why do you need walls? Enjoy your new neighbors!
  20. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

  21. One thing is interesting while the broad strokes of those Mexicans those evil etc. Statics show how many Americans use the right bare arms to kill other fellow Americans is an astronomical figure. But I think it best I leave the discussions.

    Trump and many Trump supports frighten me. And luckily I don't vote in the US elections ( of course) as Clinton would not get my vote either.

    Anyway fingers crossed we don't end at the mad hatters tea party
  22. You illustrate the problem the whole world faces, Mike - there isn't a voice of reason, wisdom and vision anywhere. Ordinary people as sick and tired with the lies and deception and are now able to see through the blatant propaganda that masquerades as the mainstream media. They see the corruption, the squalid pursuit of money and power, the sickening inequalities and the nefarious influence of the military/industrial/financial elites on transnational policies. They see the destruction of our environment and our scant regard for the other species we share this planet with and watch on as millions of fellow men,women and children are persecuted, terrorised, slaughtered - all in the name of economic growth and profits.

    It has been this way for thousands of years - mans' weakness for power driven by greed. Only now it's wrapped up in respectable democratic government and presented to mankind as an aspirational society. This century has been defined by violence, hatred and growing unrest. It has to change. This century has also brought us the instrument for change with the advent if the Internet and the development of mobile communications. We see all of the world in our hands, every day. It has become the most important technological development making has achieved - and we all know its capabilities. We should use it for the common good, not more destruction.

    All we need is a 21st century Ghandi or Mandela. It's a tragedy the Americans murdered Bin Laden - aside from his religious beliefs, much of what he actually said was considered and sagacious and that no doubt was the principal motivation for his execution. Can you imagine him being allowed to give evidence in his defence in court? People will vote for Trump, Corbyn Or Brexit as it represents a vote against the established order. That movement needs a clear, progressive voice or we risk mankind plunging into another abyss of barbarism - one from which we might not emerge.

    As Mike said about the US election; neither of the two will do. It's the same choice elsewhere. What do they say about evidence based practice? Perhaps our so-called leaders should give it a try? :wacko:
  23. The same can be said of some followers of Judaism and Christianity, Dieter, whose murderous barbarity in Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and NYC is plain for all to see.

    Let me ask you two questions: Do you think Blair and Bush should stand trial for crimes against humanity for advancing a war on terror? Do you think the premise for this war - 9/11 - should be investigated by an international and independent tribunal now that we know the official explanation is deficient?

    I'm not one for retribution or reprisals and there is much healing and forgiveness needed, but these two things need to happen if we are to solve this problem. What say you?
    Thanks for the snake poem - I think I can use that!
  24. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    I wasn't going to post anything else on this thread due to lack of time... however, the thread has headed in an interesting direction (of course, we all knew it possibly could)... the spark for this direction has been the same spark for a lot of concern - global concern... which also has been a key issue within views/policies within the U.S Presidential campaign (the spark being the islam issue).

    I do have an interest in the U.S Presidential election but being Australian that's where it ends (I can't vote). It does disturb me that from the (large) U.S population, the U.S (& the world for that matter) are left with the choice (result) of the candidates present. I have made statement on Hillary Clinton - she's a pathological liar (long history thereof) & can't be trusted... I'll go further to say she is dangerous... with dangerous ties/connections. In my view she is the worse of the two candidates. I am also concerned about Donald Trump i.e. some of his views, his conduct... due to this, there is uncertainty... an uneasiness there (for me). Donald Trump speaks his mind... from that, questionable issues has surfaced (from what I've been able to read with the time I have)... yet for some people it has been refreshing due to the spineless Presidency of Barack Obama. However, whilst there is uncertainty/uneasiness with Trump... there is real concern & distrust for Clinton... which is probably why some U.S citizens have this view of the 2016 Presidential campaign...

    Now to that "spark". Any rational, logical & balanced human being should believe in equality - everyone is equal - despite the percentage of melanin in one's skin, nationality, economic status, sex, age & religious (or non-religious) persuasion... I sure as hell (no pun intended) do. However, as we know there are many on this planet who do not ascribe to this view of equality. Based on history & in particular, evidence (pertaining to our time i.e. world events), there is an alarming percentage within one group (a "religion") who have shown via violence, intolerance, hate speeches, personal sentiments etc... that equality isn't valid - it shouldn't exist - only their way, their view, their beliefs count - & heaven (no pun intended) forbid if you disagree with their ideology... & even sincerely (objectively) critique it.

    Now there is a massive amount that can be said on this topic (even for my standard i.e. long posts). I'll try & keep it as short as possible. Hence let's leave out issues pertaining to controversies associated with 9/11, along with issues associated with ISIS & numerous other islamic terror groups (i.e. Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Muslim Brotherhood etc....). This just adds too much controversy & further confusion... i.e. many islamic/muslim apologist attempt to claim that the likes of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh aren't of islam or muslims. In short, "ISIS" are certainly islamic - short video here of Professor Bernard Haykel (Princeton University's Department of Near Eastern Studies) stating that they ("ISIS") are islamic/muslim (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh simply follow islamic texts/verses/teachings... & frequently recite them to justify their barbaric conduct).

    So let's look at the crux of islam - the islamic teachings/writings... what they (muslims) study, what instructs them, what they pray on, what they should obey... the examples of which they should follow... that of the Quran ("thus says allah"), the Hadiths ("thus says Muhammad") & Sunnah ("the way Muhammad led his life"). This surely should be a fair assessment in assessing true islam & muslims (of which is evidently confusing for many on what is real or true on this topic... particularly for the non-muslim [often left-wing] islam apologist).

    There are numerous texts within the Quran that incite intolerance, violence & hate (not to mention those found within other islamic writings i.e. the Hadiths). But of course this issue isn't highlighted... it is usually the so-called nice bits (peaceful passages) within the quran which are cited to the general public... but due to the law of abrogation (Naskh - earlier conceived texts are abrogated/invalidated in favour of later conceived texts) these more peaceful passages are superseded/invalidated by the later violent (jihad) passages. However, muslims will usually deny this (from my experience) in front of you &/or in public due to the practicing of the ordained practice of lying to non-muslims i.e. "Taqiyya"! Of course any muslim will lie (i.e. "Taqiyya") to any non-muslim ("kefirs" [infidels]) when the end justifies the means to draw out their vulnerability, trust... to thus then ultimately defeat the infidels ("kefirs"). Muslims may appear very sincere; in fact, they are sincere, when they lie/deceive for the cause of islam. The following (quran) texts are just some of what muslims use to justify such lying & deceitfulness (i.e. 2:225, 3:28, 8:30, 9:3, 10:21, 66:2 etc...); they help establish the religious legitimacy of breaking oaths, lying, unilaterally violating treaties & generally scheming against non-muslims/infidels.

    As for the violence, hate & intolerance... the following are some of the more popular examples which muslims use to justify their violence/intolerance (http://corpus.quran.com/) -
    quran (2:216); quran (3:56); quran (3:151); quran (4:24) [justifying slavery & rape]; quran (4:74); quran (5:33); quran (8:12); quran (9:5); quran (9:14); quran (9:29); quran (9:30); quran (9:73); quran (17:16); quran (25:52); quran (47:3-4); quran (48:29); quran (61:4); quran (66:9)... & it goes on & on (numerous passages of hate, intolerance, misogyny, violence, bigotry). Then there are the Hadiths ("thus says Muhammad")... such as... sahih bukhari (52:177); muslim (1:30); muslim (1:33); muslim (19:4294); muslim (31:5917); muslim (31:5918); bukhari (1:35); bukhari (8:387); bukhari (11:626); tabari (7:97); tabari (9:69); tabari (17:187); ibn ishaq/hisham (484); ibn ishaq/hisham (990); ibn ishaq/hisham (992) etc...

    With that said (from experience on discussions of this nature) the issue of violence within other religions is sometimes brought up i.e. such texts from the Tanakh (Judaism) & the Bible (Christianity). Whilst there is certainly violence cited (which troubles me), one of the most profound differences is that the violence in the Bible is descriptive (in nature) & limited to events in a specific time & place (i.e. moral cleansing of Amalekites, Canaanites, Midianites... due to their pagan & violent practices i.e. heinous immorality & child sacrifice). In contrast, the violent passages in the quran, which are prescriptive (in nature) & are for all followers of islam (all muslims) to carry out regardless of the time & place (meaning today; meaning against Western civilisations; meaning against Christians, Jews, Agnostics, Atheists etc...). I'm Agnostic... who has had varying interest on metaphysical topics... particularly ones that are causing so much harm to humanity.

    Disturbingly, there looks to be continual cause for concern for humanity (for the future) due to the level of hate & intolerance taught to muslim children (being the issue of children has been brought up on this thread). I have seen numerous footage of islamic leaders (i.e. clerics, muftis) teaching such hate & intolerance to very young muslim children (particularly towards Jews). Just last week I saw footage of a young muslim girl singing a jihadist song then cutting off the head of her doll (who would teach such violence & hate to a young child). Then there was an event (muslim riots over an American film depicting Muhammad in an unsavoury light) in Sydney (Australia) where young muslim children were holding up vile placards (i.e. "Behead all those who insult the prophet"). I cited this event in the "Children who get sacrificed on the altar of their parents ideology" thread (http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showpost.php?p=370852&postcount=16). What are the mindsets of such parents who would encourage such hateful & violent activity/sentiments for young children to actively partake in... & evidently proud to take photos of such...

    Disturbing? It should be.

    Lastly, I suggest people also take note of what a 2013 poll by Pew Research Center found. In particular "Beliefs about Sharia" (http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/...ligion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/). This is what millions of true muslims actually believe on i.e. support for sharia, death for apostasy, corporal punishment, stoning, suicide bombings etc... (also highlighted by the Clarion Project - https://www.clarionproject.org/factsheets-files/by-the-numbers-how-we-did-the-statistics.pdf.). "This poll is the single largest & most reliable survey on Muslim attitudes around the world. However, the Pew Research Center did not survey the whole of the Muslim world. Muslims in countries including Saudi Arabia, Iran, India & China were not surveyed" (https://www.clarionproject.org/factsheets-files/by-the-numbers-how-we-did-the-statistics.pdf)... so with that in mind, the figures would be much higher (which should be extremely alarming for anyone... because the figures are in the millions within the above study - millions, with what many would call "extremist" views i.e. support for suicide bombings = "136 million"). According to their own numbers, Pew numerically surveyed only 67 percent of the Muslim world (http://www.pewforum.org/2013/05/09/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-faq/).

    And the above is not even touching on what is now referred to as the "European Refugee Crisis" i.e. sharp rise in sexual crimes (rape epidemics), violent attacks, vandalism, no-go zones, demanding sharia law etc.... Well, with the above noted, I hope some will understand where such incompatible civil/social behaviour is stemming from (also noted within England as well)... & why there is (& should be) a need for concern due to an alarming percentage of muslims holding debasing, intolerant & violent views against anyone or anything which is not of their interpretation of islam (whether that be Sunni or Shiite... yet Sunni are the greater offenders)...

    I was reluctant to post the following video (& there are many others like it)... but the following conduct/sentiments should not be allowed to occur & continue (at the least on public streets)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8WVkbXOHfM

    There has been too much tolerance of the intolerance on this issue.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  25. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

    "My old man was in Palestine in 1957 and the Israelis were using Palestinian livestock on farmland as target practice. Now they use children."

    Yeah, the intention of the Israelis is to improve their skills by using Palestinian children as target practice! Wow.

  26. It's just the mindset that's all. Have you heard of the Stamford Experiment? You take young men or women and train them to disregard the sanctity of human life - to kill, bomb, maim - and they are susceptible to that conditioning, then they have an increased capacity to become monsters. Doesn't matter if it's ISIS, Mossad, US Marines, RAF or even the police - we stopped educating our children many years ago and have taught them violence, greed and hatred instead. Now we build walls and demand guns. Progress, huh?
  27. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

    There is propaganda on both sides but it is not the mindset of Israeli soldiers to use Palestinian children as target practice. I am disappointed Mark, that a man of your age and intellect would believe those lies, but I am sure you are not alone.

  28. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Nope... it looks to be another case of Muslim (Sunni) versus Muslim (Shia, or sect thereof [Zaydi]) once again (with some politics thrown in the mix).

    What complicates things though is that the airstrikes (apparently) also includes US & UK forces... as well as "Sunni Arab" (Saudi Arabia) allies - yet it was a "Saudi-led coalition" (what a #@#$%! mess! :wacko: :bang:).

    Too right! Including this one (in Yemeni)! No hospital should be a target... including schools!

    The "retribution and anger"... as well as the hate, intolerance, bigotry, violence, misogyny etc... was in the Quran well before hospitals were being bombed... & "Western" forces went to the Middle East (Iraq). The world can 'thank' Islam's apparent 'inspired' "prophet" for his (ordained) warlord phase (around 622 - 632AD [Medina period]) for most of those vile barbaric, intolerant & violent texts within the Quran & Hadiths... which have then inspired millions to follow in like footsteps in carrying out the numerous atrocities throughout the Middle East & the world! And yes... there is clear fault on both sides... not just the 'inspired' intolerance/barbarism of Islam/Muslims.

    True Steven... Israeli soldiers do not use Palestinian children as "target practice". Those who state otherwise - could that be an anti-Semitic viewpoint? After all, you just only have to objectively critique/assess the numerous cases of intolerance (i.e. hate speeches), violence (i.e. bashings & rape), social upheaval (i.e. vandalism, demand for Sharia law) etc... or openly discuss terrorist events stemming from individuals shouting "abu Akbar" or professed Muslims (serving "Allah", reciting passages from the Quran i.e. 4:24, 9:29 etc...)... to then have the Muslim community &/or the left-wing half-wits call you the likes of "islamophobe", "racist" (hey, Islam isn't a race) or a "bigot"! And your crime is - a desire to (rationally & sincerely) discuss/assess the evident problems increasingly stemming from within Islamic/Muslim circles in the hope for the betterment of society (i.e. everybody's welfare). Is it any wonder that many avoid discussing/addressing this important issue... particularly in a public setting (even politicians for crying out loud).
  29. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    I hear what you are saying Mike - but my version is slightly different: "Many a bad person wins, because a good person does nothing". Rob
  30. Are they lies Steven? Following the 2014 bombardment of Gaza:
    The calls to end the occupation of Palestine are coming from Israeli citizens and Jews the world over - and not before time. If you think Israeli soldiers don't commit atrocities you are being extremely naive, Steven - everyone has that capacity. Remember Lindi England in Abu Grahib? The Japanese in Burma or the Nazi death camps? The children and young adults being indoctrinated by ISIS to kill non-believers of their doctrine? We look for an excuse for this barbaric behaviour and some like Ben-Hur will point to religion and offer supporting quotes from biblical texts - but it's not bullets or books that kill. It's people. It doesn't matter what colour, race, religion or nationality. We all have that capacity, but the conditions that allow atrocities are far more common in areas of unrest and war.
  31. Maybe have a read at this again and consider the hypocrisy, Matt.
  32. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    No Mark... it is Islamic texts - not "biblical texts" - big difference (Muslims use Islamic texts i.e. Quran & Hadiths)!
    Thanks for the philosophy... "it's not bullets or books that kill". It's psychopathic idiots (to put it mildly) that are inspired by "books" (particularly so-called 'inspired' 'holy' books) who kill via the use of i.e. "bullets"!

    [I did consider to cite a PDF web link of a Jihad how to doc. documenting how to (well, you know) which includes references from the Quran & Hadiths riddled throughout (justifying killing non-Muslims). But that is extremely disturbing & inappropriate. Yes, such books are out there... you just need the url! Hence the need for concern!]

    Yes Mark - it was to highlight just that - the "hypocrisy". Get it! Unless you're unable to assess events objectively i.e. evident violence, evident hate speeches carried out by individuals (who call themselves "Muslim") reciting passages from the Quran & Hadiths to justify their actions & views.
  33. Very true Rob I like your Version a lot
  34. Cain and Abel are mentioned in the Christian Bible Sons and Adam and Eve Google tells me, so Biblical stories would include Christianities version and the Islamic version

    Where do you stand on the Crusades Matt?
  35. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Your first sentence makes no sense to me Mike... could you please explain the point you're trying to make.

    As for the "Crusades" - hopefully the same stand you have Mike - that being... all wars, all killing, torture, rape, forced desettlement (destroying homes), debasing human worth etc... in the name of a religion or a god is WRONG - DEPLORABLE. Hence my views & subsequent passion on this topic. Frankly, I've had a gut full of it... as I hope all rational individuals would have by now (instead as some do [not referring to anyone here], bend over backwards to excuse it... in fear of hurting a groups feelings). The longer I live, the more I resonate with John Lennon's "Imagine".
  36. Ok you were being ironic. Sorry for that, it's just that your posts are confusing and difficult to read at the best of times and on a new subject as diverse as extreme religion they pose an even greater challenge.

    So Matt, you're in charge of the world for a day. What is your prescription for peace, love and happiness?
  37. Les Barrie Member

    I hear the Isle of Bute has more Syrian refugees than Scottish folk .... is that true?

    You hear wrong !
    Isle of Bute population approximately 6494, population of Rothsay (largest town on the isle ) approximately 4850, number of Syrian refugees (difficult to get an accurate figure online) 15 FAMILIES so unless each family averages 432.93 members its safe to say that a little research is needed before such a statement is made.
    I see you are an admirer of Farage (Nigel Farage - he's amazing.) rumour has it he was spotted at the German Embassy looking to get a German passport for dual citizenship :)
    Good to play this rumour-monger game!!!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
  38. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    It's extraordinary that people can have such strong opinions about Trump ... based on media spin. Even the media admit, now, they are unashamedly biased. Why? because they are firmly entrenched with the Obama & Clinton mill. It's a very simple matter here. In November America will vote for either Trump or Clinton. You can spend an hour or two researching Clinton, the Clinton Money Laundering Foundation Money, the lies & corruption, the murders. Anyone still advocating for Clinton after that likely suffers the same neurological disease as Hillary Clinton that causes her 'short-circuits' that might explain her pathological lying. There's also the death of the doctor leaking her health record, but that is now becoming the norm here.

    In Donald Trump, for the first time ever, America can vote for a President who is not bound to lobbyists and bribery. Who will and can take on corrupt Washington. Who can and will rebuild America, the economy, health-care. Who can and will restore the strength of the US military and re-establish the US as a world superpower. Who can and will establish secure borders to keep safe the nation, as is the duty of the President. A President who will champion the Police and Law & Order.

    The great border-less, socialist experiment of Europe has failed, badly. Merkel is on a suicide path. There will likely be civil war in Europe. There is already war in Europe, and the world. ISIS has declared war on the Infidel. ISIS is now present in 28 countries. There is an ISIS terrorist activity every 84 hours. That's the reality. Anyone seeking to defend their cause as 'just' or 'deserved' needs their head examined. Tea & Sympathy won't save you, or your family, from having your heads cut off, or your family and children raped, or blown to pieces, or mowed over by a truck. Wake up, people. You ARE at war.
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