< What is Normal (Hip Drive) Pronation | A permanent solution to plantar fasciitis ? >
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    Dose–response effects of customised foot orthoses on lower limb kinematics and kinetics in pronated foot type
    Scott Telfer, Mandy Abbott, Martijn M. Steultjens, James Woodburn
    Journal of Biomechanics; In Press
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    Is there a dose-response of medial wedge insoles on lower limb biomechanics in people with pronated feet during walking and running?
    Brunna LibrelonCosta et al
    Gait & Posture; Volume 90, October 2021, Pages 190-196
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    Immediate effects of forefoot wedges on multi-segment foot kinematics during jogging in recreational runners with a symptomatic pronated foot
    Xianyi Zhang, Benedicte Vanwanseele
    Front Physiol. 2023 Jan 9;13:1064240
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