< my right foot pain | How long did it take your plantar plate injury to heal? >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Since I can remember, I had dry feet with cracked heels. (my skin regenerates dead skin extremely fast - after 4 days it's like after 5 months for other people) I tried a lot of things and made some tests (it's not athletes foot and no eczema)

    Sadly, Urea 40% cream and glycerin isn't solving my problem. I tried around 20 creams and nothing helped. When I wake up, my skin is tensioning and also hard - Oil or Sodium baths only help for about 1 hour.

    I do take a Dermasence Adtop...

    Dry Feet since childhood (nothing helps)

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< my right foot pain | How long did it take your plantar plate injury to heal? >

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