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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    Came across this picture of the late Jack Ellis , senior lecturer at the ESC for many years and fondly remembered.


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  2. I remember him well - and with the delectible Karen Baxter, former fellow inmate at that venerable institution - Bright's Creascent!
  3. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    I went for an interview at Edinburgh and didn't get accepted (the shame:D).

    Glasgow did me though......
    I think the fact that Charlie (Freebairn) and my father were in the same year when they trained probably helped;)
  4. Probably the accent, Dave. That and the fact you obviously didn't have the correct handshake! :drinks
  5. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    Jack Ellis was my final year examiner. But more to the point, when I went on several post-grad courses, in Edinburgh, and laid ourselves to rest at a B&B on Leamington Terrace, the man of the house used to play hockey with them. These are very old memories, perhaps 35 years ago.
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