< Adhesive for Orthotics | Tolio: "Foot Rot" in Runners >
  1. Beth Taylor Member

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    Can anyone help; I wish to ask students to help me collect data for my dissertation, I'm currently in my 2nd year and I'm on writing up my ethics form for my proposal. I will be asking participants to walk on the EMG barefoot and then with 2 different heel heights, I'm wanting to see timing and activation of anterior leg muscles, but for health and safely how will I attach these wedges to my participants? has anyone ever done this before
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    You could strap/tape them on or place them in standardized footwear.
  3. Beth Taylor Member

    Hello Craig, thank you for replying. I mention to one of the dissertation supervisors about strapping and taping but she said it will not get through ethics, for health and safely reasons. some research I've found mentioned casting but apparently this will be very time consuming. I haven't used the emg machine before but it was mentioned no shoes are to be used, i think i might have to re think my dissertation.
    Thanks again
< Adhesive for Orthotics | Tolio: "Foot Rot" in Runners >

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