< trichloracetic acid crystals | Hi from Colombia >
  1. rikmellor Member

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    Although not POD qualified I have professional level quals in Sport Medicine, Strength and Conditioning and have worked in the field of sports footwear with heat mouldable insole manufacture and windlass mechanics.

    I am currently in the early stages of some surface EMG analysis between running footwear and being barefoot.

    If anyone is prepared to help a novice along the way please shout, i'll be looking for muscle activity stuff on here, perhaps linking with orthoses.

    Pleasure to be here, i'm sure to learn a great deal.

    Rik :D
  2. Griff Moderator

    Hi Rik,

    Welcome to the arena. Here's a starter for ten


    Attached Files:

  3. rikmellor Member


    Thanks very much for the prompt response. I have this paper already, a good review.

    Are you familiar with varying methods of muscle onset analysis/calculation and if so my main issues are how do I go about apprasing these and how comparable I can be using the one method between footwear type and to barefoot even (using two Biopac footswitches)???

    Thanks for the time,


    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  4. Griff Moderator

    Hey Rik,

    In a word... no. I am primarily a clinician, and despite also being in the infancy of what I hope will also be a research string to my bow, at this time I personally don't have any hands on experience of EMG methods. However there's no doubt in my mind that someone on the arena has. You may find it better to post this specific query in the sports/biomechanics forum as not all members look in the Introductions section.

    Look forward to your posts

  5. rikmellor Member

    Sweet, thanks.

    Will keep my eye out and post something a little more specific soon.

< trichloracetic acid crystals | Hi from Colombia >

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