< Clinical photography guidance | Addition of silicone toe orthosis to an insole in rheumatoid arthritis >

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    Some of you may have caught the recent Reith Lectures broadcast on BBC Radio 4 over the last two weeks http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04sv1s5 - which examine the progress and failures of medicine in recent times. Well worth a listen. Most of you will also be aware of the interesting times I have been having over the last few years courtesy of our regulatory body - and it should not surprise too much if I were to say that there will be a comprehensive tome of the experience, which will be published early next year that I'm sure will be of interest to the enlightened and unsuspecting in equal measure. To whet your appetite and the purse strings, the followings is the prologue - and I guess a driving influence in my own professional development, for what it's worth - and after listening to the Reith Lecture the other day, I thought I would share it with you.

    I can offer a small discount for advance orders.....:cool:

    Merry Christmas...

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< Clinical photography guidance | Addition of silicone toe orthosis to an insole in rheumatoid arthritis >

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