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Gait retraining to reduce lower extremity loading in runners

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Griff, Oct 5, 2010.

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    Effect of neuromuscular training augmented with knee valgus control instructions on lower limb biomechanics of male runners
    Physical Therapy in Sport; 26 February 2020
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    The effect of changing foot progression angle using real-time visual feedback on rearfoot eversion during running
    Seyed Hamed Mousavi et al
    British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020;54:A137https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/54/Suppl_1/A137.1
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    The effectiveness of real-time haptic feedback gait retraining for reducing resultant tibial acceleration with runners
    Kelly R.Sheerin et al
    Physical Therapy in Sport; 14 March 2020
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    Change-Point Detection of Peak Tibial Acceleration in Overground Running Retraining
    Pieter Van den Berghe et al
    Sensors 2020, 20(6), 1720;
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    Predicting vertical ground reaction force during running using novel piezoresponsive sensors and accelerometry
    Matthew K. Seeley et al
    Journal of Sports Sciences : 25 May 2020
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    Efficacy of an audio-based biofeedback intervention to modify running gait in female runners
    Rothstein, Sarah(2020).
    Master's Theses. 70.
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    A Real-Time Feedback Method to Reduce Loading Rate During Running: Effect of Combining Direct and Indirect Feedback
    Alessandro Garofolini et al
    J Sports Sci. 2020 Jul 4;1-8
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    Impact-Related Ground Reaction Forces Are More Strongly Associated With Some Running Injuries Than Others
    Caleb D. Johnson, PhD, Adam S. Tenforde, MD, PhD, Jereme Outerleys, MASc, ...
    The American Journal of Sports Medicine September 11, 2020
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    Changes in the Plantar Flexion Torque of the Ankle and in the Morphological Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of the Achilles Tendon after 12-Week Gait Retraining
    Liqin Deng et al
    Life 2020, 10(9), 159
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    Effects of a 10-week running-retraining programme on the foot strike pattern of adolescents: A longitudinal intervention study
    Pedro JoséConsuegra GonzálezaFelipe GarcíaPinillosbDavid J.Mora LópezcAntonio JoséCardona LinaresdJuan A.Párraga MontillaePedro ÁngelLatorre Románe
    Gait & Posture; 28 September 2020
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    Gait Biomechanics Improve in Collegiate Distance Runners Following an In-Season Intervention Based on Functional Movement Screen Scores
    Monique Mokha et al
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Research Directs in Health Sciences
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    Self-selected running gait modifications reduce acute impact loading, awkwardness, and effort
    Haisheng Xia et al
    Sports Biomechanics: 09 Jun 2021
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    Effects of biofeedback on whole lower limb joint kinematics and external kinetics
    Franky Mulloy et al
    Journal of Sports Sciences: 18 May 2021
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    Gait Retraining With Visual Biofeedback Reduces Rearfoot Pressure and Foot Pronation in Recreational Runners
    Warlindo Carneiro da Silva Neto, Alexandre Dias Lopes, and Ana Paula Ribeiro
    Journal of Sport Rehabilitation: 25 Oct 2021
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    The effect of two retraining programs, barefoot running versus increasing cadence: a randomised controlled trial
    Alejandro Molina-Molina et al
    Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2021 Oct 30
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    The effects of running gait retraining on biomechanics, performance, pain and injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Eoin Doyle, Tim Doyle, Jason Bonacci, Joel Fuller
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    The Effectiveness of Gait Retraining on Running Kinematics, Kinetics, Performance, Pain, and Injury in Distance Runners: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis
    Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy February 5, 2022
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    Biomechanical adaptations following a music-based biofeedback gait retraining program to reduce peak tibial accelerations
    Rud Derie,Pieter Van den Berghe,Joeri Gerlo,Senne Bonnaerens,Ine Van Caekenberghe,Pieter Fiers,Dirk De Clercq,Veerle Segers
    10 April 2022
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    The Effectiveness of Gait Retraining on Running Kinematics, Kinetics, Performance, Pain, and Injury in Distance Runners: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis
    Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy April 20, 2022
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    Biomechanical adaptations following a music-based biofeedback gait retraining program to reduce peak tibial accelerations
    Rud Derie,Pieter Van den Berghe,Joeri Gerlo,Senne Bonnaerens,Ine Van Caekenberghe,Pieter Fiers,Dirk De Clercq,Veerle Segers
    10 April 2022
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    Running Gait Retraining: A Sports Medicine Training Gap in Family Medicine
    Alexander C Knobloch
    Fam Med. 2022 May;54(5):384-388
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    Knowledge, interest, and preference for gait retraining programs in street runners: a cross-sectional study
    José Roberto de Souza JúniorPedro Henrique Reis RabeloThiago Vilela LemosGlauber Marques Paraizo BarbosaJoão Paulo Chieregato Matheus
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    Acute Effects of Gait Interventions on Tibial Loads During Running: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
    Meghan Keast , Jason Bonacci, Aaron Fox
    Sports Med. 2022 Jun 16
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    Peak Muscle and Joint Contact Forces of Running with Increased Duty Factors
    Bonnaerens, Senne et al
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: June 23, 2022 - Volume - Issue - 10.1249
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    Bespoke fuzzy logic design to automate a better understanding of running gait analysis
    Fraser Young, Samuel Stuart, Robert McNicol, Rosie Morris, Craig Downs, Martin Coleman, Alan Godfrey
    IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2022 Jul 11;
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    Correspondence Between Values of Vertical Loading Rate and Oxygen Consumption During Inclined Running
    Marcel Lemire, Mathieu Falbriard, Kamiar Aminian, Eloïse Pavlik, Grégoire P. Millet & Frédéric Meyer
    Sports Medicine - Open volume 8, Article number: 114 (2022)
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    Efficacy of an Audio-Based Biofeedback Intervention to Modify Running Gait in Female Runners
    Jacqueline A Augustine et al
    J Sport Rehabil. 2022 Nov 24;1-5.
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    Effectiveness of Lower-Cost Strategies for Running Gait Retraining: A Systematic Review
    Lissandro M. Dorst et al
    Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(3), 1376; https://doi.org/10.3390/app13031376
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    The Effect of Real-Time Tibial Acceleration Feedback on Running Biomechanics During Gait Retraining: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Xiaohan Li et al
    Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
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    Instructions Promoting an External Focus Are More Effective for Altering Impact Forces in Female Runners
    Jacy Zajac et al
    Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 12 Apr 2023
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    Foot Pronation Prediction with Inertial Sensors during Running: A Preliminary Application of Data-Driven Approaches
    Liangliang Xiang et al
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    Effect of three different running gait cues on vertical tibial acceleration
    Laura M Anderson, Daniel R Bonanno, Prasanna Sritharan, Hylton B Menz
    Gait Posture. 2023 Nov 25
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    Gait retraining targeting foot pronation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Seyed Hamed Mousavi ,Fateme Khorramroo ,Amirali Jafarnezhadgero
    March 1, 2024
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    Effects of 12-week gait retraining on plantar flexion torque, architecture, and behavior of the medial gastrocnemius in vivo
    Chuyi Zhang et al
    Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2024 Mar 20:12:1352334
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    Viability of Structured Gait Retraining for Improving Clinical Outcomes Following Running-related Injury in Active Duty Service Members
    Kelly Leugers et al
    Mil Med. 2024 May 21
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    Transference of outdoor gait-training to treadmill running biomechanics and strength measures: A randomized controlled trial
    Alexandra F. DeJong Lempke et al
    Journal of BiomechanicsVolume 168, May 2024, 112095
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    Press Release:
    Too much treadmill? This could help your shin splints
    Peer-Reviewed Publication

    Good news for all the treadmill runners who suffer from stubborn and painful shin splints: A little outdoor gait training may help, new research suggests.

    A randomized controlled trial found that four weeks of gait training outdoors, in addition to home exercises often prescribed for shin splints, led to improved running biomechanics even when the runners were using a treadmill. These improvements included decreasing the time the runners’ feet were in contact with the ground or treadmill, a recently identified contributor to shin splints.

    Based on the trial results, the researchers, including UVA Health sports medicine expert David J. Hryvniak, DO, are recommending that clinicians begin including outdoor gait training as part of rehabilitation programs for patients struggling with chronic shin splints.

    “This is an important finding for clinicians, as this gives us a tool to use to help these runners,” said Hryvniak, a running medicine specialist who is part of UVA Health’s Runner’s Clinic. “These gait-training cues can be an easy thing to add into a rehab program to help patients improve running mechanics that can underlie many common running injuries.”

    Soothing Shin Splints

    Affecting approximately 40% of all runners, shin splints typically begin as tenderness in the lower leg that goes away after exercising. But for regular runners, this pain can worsen and become persistent. In severe cases, shin splints can even lead to stress fractures.

    Prior research has found that short courses of outdoor gait training can significantly reduce shin-splint pain for outdoor runners. But experts had been uncertain if these benefits would transfer to the flat, regular surface of treadmill running. That prompted an interdisciplinary team of researchers – from UVA’s College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education and School of Medicine, as well as Virginia Commonwealth University, Plymouth State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – to launch a randomized trial to find out if outdoor gait training would benefit treadmill users.

    The researchers enrolled 17 treadmill runners between ages 18 and 45 who ran at least three times a week and who had been suffering lower leg pain during or after running for at least a month. The volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: One group received four weeks of outdoor gait training and performed commonly prescribed home strengthening exercises, while the other group only performed the home exercises.

    During the gait training, participants were provided with “vibrotactile feedback” –meaning they felt a little vibration – when special sensors in their shoes detected their feet were in contact with the ground for too long. This helped them improve their stride and gait to reduce this potential contributor to shin splints.

    At the end of the study period, both groups saw strength improvements in their legs. But the gait trainers also had improved running technique, or what the researchers call “favorable adjustments in running gait mechanics.” And, sure enough, these gait improvements were seen during both outdoor runs and treadmill runs.

    That suggests outdoor gait training could be an important new tool to help treadmill users work up a sweat pain-free, the researchers say.

    “Shin splints are a very common running injury, especially with those who are new to the sport,” Hryvniak said. “These gait cues are something that have been shown to be an effective tool that patients can use literally ‘on the run.’”
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    Enhancing running injury prevention strategies with real-time biofeedback: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Wei Shen,Yifan Yu,Jose Frias Bocanegra,Patrick C. Wheeler &Daniel T. P. Fong
    Journal of Sports Sciences: 05 Jul 2024
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    Step width modification to change rearfoot eversion and medial longitudinal arch angle during walking and running in individuals with pronated feet
    Fateme Khorramroo et al
    Gait Posture. 2024 Jul 26

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