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    Hello! My name is Michael Buttgen, or "Barefoot Michael" to many. I am someone who prefers to live barefoot as much as possible and blog about it at www.BarefootandGrounded.com. I also think that people should have the right to go barefoot without discrimination. That's why I founded The Primalfoot Alliance (www.PrimalfootAlliance.org).

    I'm very much looking forward to speaking with you all about subjects related to foot health. I've already read a great deal on your opinions of barefoot running and other barefoot activities and would like to have intelligent, reasonable discussion that focuses on the abilities of the foot.

    I hope that I will be received with friendly arms and meaningful discussion instead of being belittled for choosing to let my feet function the way I believe nature intended: free of shoes and orthotics.

    Thank you for the opportunity.

  2. Craig Payne Moderator


    I responded to your PM and your post in the Barefoot Running thread.
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