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  1. Lodule Welcome New Poster

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    Hi there, my name is Lodule. I am really happy to be part of this forum. It is truly inspiring to read some of the post people have on the site. I found this site while probing Google for possible research prospects.
    See, I am a undergraduate student who is look to conduct some independent research. I have some ideas, but since I am not really too knowledgeable of the World of Podiatry. What do any of you think holds most promise within podiatry. I would any suggestions.

    Much thanks
  2. Hi Lodule. :welcome: to Podiatry Arena.

    Your research question is a hard one as most people have an area they like where others do not. I would recommend you research something that your very intersted in.

    But if you want a suggestion mine at the moment would be leg stiffness. 1 leg stiffness thread there are many more. But it takes some thinking and not the best place to start for an undergrad.

    Godd luck- but your own intersts are the key rather than mine.
  3. Lodule Welcome New Poster

    Hey Michel,

    Thanks, that makes allot of sense..lol. I was think of something regarding Diabetes, specifically Sulfonyurea effects of weight and exercise. Another possibility was to geographically map areas within a city where Diabetes is more prevalent. Then, find which race, class, or age-group is being more affected and why.

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