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  1. dfsabryk Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, my name is Dina and I have been interested in podiatry so I decided to shadow a podiatrist in clinic and in surgery to see what I would be getting myself into. I have seen many cases in her clinic from fungal toe infections, calluses, warts, post-surgery check, bunions, plantar fasciitis, etc...

    I was okay with everything except....toenail removal surgery. I never had problems with blood or opening things open, however, there was something today about dealing with the toes and nails that really made my stomach very upset. Thankfully, I didn't pass out and I kept a smile the whole time. BUT, I kept wondering... Would I be able to get over this? Would I be able to do the same procedure without feeling so grossed out?

    To all the experienced podiatrists, please tell me what your first experience was like and if what I am feeling is normal? would I be able to handle this in the future after training or would I also remain grossed out. I tried to look at lots of pictures after and even viewed a video online of the same procedure to get my eyes and brain used to it...but it still makes me sick. Please HELP!
  2. Hi Dina

    I still remember my 1st Ingrowing toe nail op - I got over it bit hard to say if you will or not as everyone being different and all.

    I´m sure you will be fine as you have seen a lot I don´t do nail surgery now due a restriction of local anesthesia in Sweden, but wish I could great results in the right hands - people are so thankful after they are healed.

    :welcome: to the Arena and good luck with your studies
  3. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    My advice is to avoid any thought process that makes nail surgery a speciality. While I do not routinely practice (semi retired), I am a generalist pod, but regard naiul surgery as routine practice. It is not a speciality - it is routine - all pods should do it - no excuses. To not do nail surgery is like saying that "I don't do LA, or I only treat left feet"....................
  4. Unless you move overseas and the Country you move to it is illegal to use local as a Podiatrist of course ;)
  5. dfsabryk Welcome New Poster

    I just want to say thank you for all the replies. I feel a little bit better but I believe that maybe "watching" is worse than actually "practicing." I plan on shadowing more to get used to it. I know it is an essential part of being a podiatrist and I am still worried if I will ever get over it. Thanks!
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