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  1. Engin Member

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    Hi all friends. I'm studying podolgy in Kocaeli University in Turkey. Podology is coming in our country by 2012. So, Podology will hopefully evolve over time...
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Turkey! Awesome. Welcome to Podiatry Arena.
  3. Engin Member

    Thanks. Podology a new discipline in Turkey so I am open to suggestions. In this direction, I established 3 websites related to podology. One is a forum site, the other is selling materials, and the last is a site that provides online services for the sick. Of course these sites are still considered to be in the construction phase.
    Despite the fact that my profession is teaching, the podology sector is very new in Turkey, so it has many opportunities.
  4. Craig Payne Moderator

    Can you post links to your sites?
  5. Engin Member

    Sistem, yeni bir üye olduğum için bağlantı paylaşımına izin vermiyor
  6. Craig Payne Moderator

    Post them with gaps in the URL ... "Admin" can then edit them so they can be made clickable
  7. Engin Member

    podologuz.com (I think about bringing podologues students and companies together)
    ayaksagligim.net (This site is under construction. I think that I would direct the patients to the health centers online)
    podolojimalzemeleri.com (This site is under construction, Podology materials will be sold on this site)

    The first site (podologuz .com) was about 80 members but not very active.
    I intend to create a forum where many things about podology will be talked about, but I am very lonely. I'm struggling to get everything on my own. I learned to design a site from scratch ... Actually I will have to get professional support from you. At the very least, you need to work on many issues, such as the legal infrastructure of your country, how it is shaped.
  8. Engin Member

    In Turkey, 4 universities are trained at associate degree level (2 years). It has graduated nearly 100 podology up to a year. Our teachers have been trained abroad in different countries. But since podology has not been in turkey before, the equivalencies of the diplomas they have received are not recognized in our country. For example podology is accepted, but podiatry is not officially recognized in our country. Medical doctors perceive podology as somewhat uncomfortable, taking their work from their hands, and they do not see enough of our education. Our authorities are not exactly clear on our boundaries.
  9. Greg Nelson Member

    Hi guys I am new to the forums
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