< new to podiatry arena | Let the foot pronate - it is physiologic >
  1. sarah.e.andrews Welcome New Poster

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    I recently had a diabetic patient who told me about how they use Abhyanga oil on their feet to promote blood circulation. I have never heard of this before and was wondering if any one could shed some light on its MOA?
    thanks :)
  2. RobinP Well-Known Member

    cancelled post - doubled up - see below
  3. RobinP Well-Known Member

    :welcome: Sarah


    The IOM thread - get in!
  4. blinda MVP

    Hi Sarah,

    :welcome: to the Arena!

    Quick shifty at my daughters` "holistic treatments" bible;

    "Abhyanga is the Sanskrit (ancient Indo-Aryan) word for an oil massage given to the entire body. It is most commonly performed with sesame oil".

    Hope that helps!


    BTW, haven't forgotten the needling obs. Still have builders knocking down walls, etc so will contact you when it`s over. Which should be in the next few weeks.:pigs:
< new to podiatry arena | Let the foot pronate - it is physiologic >

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