< Hyperaemia in Plantar Fasciitis | Pre-Assessment Case Study >
  1. markjohconley Well-Known Member

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    Dear all, I've tried searching with no success.
    A female, of recent Philipino descent, aged 44 years old presented with bilateral hypertrophied aBductor hallucis muscles (verified by U/S prescribed by local medical practitioner).
    Report states "NO abnormal increase in internal vascularity; of normal echogenicity and echotexture with no tears"
    C/O pain only when wearing 'normal' shoes.
    Any advice as to etiology, treatment, orthotic or footwear intervention, general advice appreciated, mark
  2. Ian Drakard Active Member

    Hi Mark

    I have no idea how this relates specifically to ab hal hypertrophy, but whenever I see issues with ab hal now I always check the cuboid (dorsal joint lines) and mobilise. Usually the ab hal is just painful but seen a few where the spasm is causing a bulge due to the contracture that might present as increased cross sectional area (ie 'hypertrophy) on ultrasound.

    Hope this helps
  3. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ian will refer on to a pod familiar with mobilisation and dry needling.

    The function of the Abductor Hallucis muscle (AbH) is, according to all searches, to abduct the hallux.
    Alright fair enough it abducts the hallux to ...... i assume help stalilise the foot after heel-off? couldn't find the emg's of the AbH, anyone assist?
  4. footdoctor Active Member

    Hi Mark

    Quote from a Journal paper which may assist:

    As the tendon lies beneath the transverse axis of the first metatarsal, AbdH performs abduction and plantar flexion of the first metatarsal phangeal joint [5], being active in the late stance and toe-off phases of gait [6], and is a dynamic stabiliser of the longitudinal arch [7]. Musculoskeletal conditions such as hallux valgus (commonly known as a bunion) and pes planus can result in the structure and function of AbdH being adversely affected [5,8].

    Ultrasound evaluation of the abductor hallucis muscle: Reliability study

    Alyse FM Cameron, Keith Rome and Wayne A Hing*

    * Corresponding author: Wayne A Hing wayne.hing@aut.ac.nz

    Author Affiliations

    AUT University, School of Rehabilitation & Occupation Studies, Health & Rehabilitation Research Centre, Private Bag 92006, Auckland, 1142, New Zealand


  5. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Thanks Scott.

    Unless the hypertrophy is genetically linked (pt "can't recall") then why isn't there more cases? as the medial band of the plantar fascia does seem to be frequently overloaded?

    thanks again, mark
< Hyperaemia in Plantar Fasciitis | Pre-Assessment Case Study >

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