< Singapore | Lefteris from Greece >
  1. Podpody Welcome New Poster

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    Hi :morning:
    I am a Foot Health Practitioner trained through Stone Bridge Associate College. After I achieved the diploma with distinction i realized that it cannot qualify me to get into Uni for a Podiatry degree. Can someone tell me if there are any institution that will accept that qualification please? Also, I am in a full time job as Healthcare Assistant would I be able to study for Podiatry around work?
    At the moment I am doing an Access Course and will soon be finish but would like your opinion of what to to next.

  2. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    If you are doing an access course then surely that will get you into Uni?

    However, you will need to check the entrance requirements at the various Unis to see what they actually require.
    They may not accept the Stonebridge Qualification per se, but it will count as experience in the area you want to study.

    As I say, it all depends on the particular Uni and what other qualifications, GCSE's etc that you have.

    I hope someone else here will be able to give you a bit more help.

    Good luck.
  3. Podpody Welcome New Poster

    Thank you so I will check it out and see.
  4. Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    You do not say where you are. Contact your favored pod course provider and ask then what access system they prefer. Do be honest, this is not rocket science - I think you should be able to work it out for yourself.
  5. Wendy Active Member

    You don't specify which unis you are looking at but if you go on their websites they will give the information on how to apply via the Access route. I did an Access course prior to applying to Southampton Uni (didn't have a choice because of family commitments). It was a great experience, the course you have done already will give you an advantage when dealing with patients and probably some of the practical skills.
    Good luck and enjoy doing the degree :drinks
< Singapore | Lefteris from Greece >

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