< 2nd year podiatry student, county duram, england | Allen >
  1. Rosalind Armstrong Welcome New Poster

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    Hi everyone!

    My name is Rosalind Armstrong and I have just joined the Podiatry Forum today. I trained as a Podiatrist in Glasgow/Scotland and worked for the NHS there for a further six years. I had always dreamed of working in Australia so I eventually arrived in Australia in February of this year on a working holiday visa. I did ten weeks locum work in a private practice on the Gold Coast and three weeks in Tasmania and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I have family and friends in Melbourne and really fell in love with the city. I would love to live permanently in Melbourne so I am looking for sponsorship to do so. If there are any Podiatry employers out there that would be interested in sponsoring me please get in touch and I will forward you my CV. I have experience in all aspects of Podiatry and feel I have really benefitted working in the challenging National Health Service in the UK.

    I look forward to your response, thankyou.

    Kind regards

    Rosalind Armstrong
< 2nd year podiatry student, county duram, england | Allen >

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