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  1. LondonPod Active Member

  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. DPJ Member

    The ipad (and similar tablets/iphones etc) can be used in the UK to do this via PPS online (www.rushcliff.com) It's their "cloud computing" version of their software so you can be anywhere to access / input your patients data.
  4. AndyBru Member

    Hi same as above I have been looking into this subject for a while now, I found a uk company that supplies a PC Tablet that meet most needs of doms and clinic use. Its easy to use comes with windows 7 has a camera ect costs about 2k (expensive) NHS have been trying it out and so far they seem to like it. The only thing that it doesnt have is the software / patient record system. Their web site is paritymedical.com and the device is a PM301
  5. LondonPod Active Member

    AndyBru, DPJ, thanks for your comments and apologies for the late reply.

    DPJ - do you have any experience with using PPS through iPhone/tablet? I would imagine the set up is pretty similar to TM2 who I'm with. The problem with the "online" service is it runs through a browser giving very limited functionality ie just the diary options, booking patients in etc. It won't let you send invoices, change details and could present as a brick wall if thats all you have in front of the patient.

    AndyBru - I'm not sure how viable this device is, given the state of the economy and it's high price. I doubt the NHS have the cash and in PP it would be more economical to get a netbook for around £200 and run PPS/TM2 (around £40pm) which will let you do everything you need. Most people will have a smart phone or a camera phone to download photographs onto patient notes.

    Windows is losing market share while Apple is growing at an amazing rate, mostly down to it's iPhones/iPads, hence the excitement of my original post. I wonder how long it will be until and app becomes the norm for private practice management?

    If you can get over the cringe-inducing tag line "beautiful feet for a beautiful world"... have a read of this:

  6. Terry Watson Member

    That's odd, Although I could access my PPS system through the Safari browser on my iPad, I just use a free desktop connection program instead and can access the full software, raise invoices, run reports, book appointments, send out mailshots to my clients etc

    Maybe their "Online" is different to Rushcliff's "Online", as I now also have a more basic version called "PPS Remote" that does my appointment diary bookings via my smartphone. (I love my technology and jump at the chance to have more gadgets and software to make my life easier :eek:)
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