< Landed like a cat...healing like an old nag...was I diagnosed correctly? | Corns, not caused by tight shoes >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Was wondering if anyone knows of healing times for a Jones Fracture. I am approximately 8 weeks from the time of injury. 7 weeks hard cast, and 1 week now in an air boot. My pain level has increased tremendously in this boot. I have a throbbing burning sensation. I am restricted to non weight bearing and don't completely understand how the boot could effect my pain level. I am doing nothing different in the boot versus the hard cast. My X-rays have shown no improvement since day one. I have...

    Jones fracture healing time, and burning pain.

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< Landed like a cat...healing like an old nag...was I diagnosed correctly? | Corns, not caused by tight shoes >

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