< Short Foot Muscle Exercises and Foot Posture in Runners | Plantar plate, Plantar fascia and the transverse tie bar system. >
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    Lower-leg Kinesio Tape Reduces Rate of Loading in Participants with Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
    Maggie C. Griebert, Alan R. Needle, Jennifer McConnell, Thomas W. Kaminski
    Physical Therapy in Sport;Available online 29 January 2014
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    I traveling and can't access full paper. Can anyone with access have a look at the paper and see how they actually did the strapping? Was it an "inversion" type traditional strapping with pretty colored tape or was it more "flexible" in the tradition of what is generally considered to be "kinesio taping"
  4. Griff Moderator


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  5. tonywatson12 Active Member

    it this the old shin splint problem that responded well to ice and rest along with pain control
    always found strapping a pain in the ass
  6. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A study to compare the effect of elastic anti pronation
    taping technique versus space correction taping
    technique in female subjects with medial tibial stress

    Dr. Sukumar Nayak, Dr. Manjunatha A and Dr. Preethish Kumar
    Thakur PT
    National Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics 2020; 4(3): 15-18
  7. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Efficacy of Kinesiology Taping on the Management of Shin Splints: A Systematic Review
    Suimin Guo, Peizhen Liu, Beibei Feng, Yangfan Xu & Yuling Wang
    The Physician and Sportsmedicine: 27 Jun 2021
  8. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A review of the therapeutic and protective effects of Kinesio taping and foot orthosis in patients with medial tibial stress syndrome
    Aynollah Naderi Shahabeddin Bagheri
< Short Foot Muscle Exercises and Foot Posture in Runners | Plantar plate, Plantar fascia and the transverse tie bar system. >

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