< Limiting pronation in a dancing shoe! | Finally, the ultimate way to get the right running shoe! >
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    Press Release:
    Strictly high heels
  2. Rheum-oured-2B-aPod Welcome New Poster


    I did an interesting final year paper on ballroom dancers and their feet. I found high prevalence of callus formation over 1st MTH, IPJ, 5th IPJ and border of calc. Furthermore, there is a significant importance of the right sized dance shoes and flooring...shame I never got to publish it!
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  3. megmad Member

    It is a shame, I would love to read it.
    Would you send me a copy anyway?
< Limiting pronation in a dancing shoe! | Finally, the ultimate way to get the right running shoe! >

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