< I want to be a Podiatrist | Kalos sas Vrika (Glad to find you in greek) -- Warm hello! >
  1. podomania Active Member

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    Hi everybody. My name is Lefteris and i originate from Greece.I am a podiatrist qualified in England (University of Salford-top of the top)I have got an interest in Biomechanics (also have an MSc in Biomechanics of the lower limb).I met Chris Nester there who was my personal supervisor for my dissertation.Apart from a great tutor he is also a great person(If you ever read this Mr. Nester thanks again for everything)
    I am very glad i found this site-messageboard because it is an endless source of information about podiatry.I am about to start my own business in Greece and i believe that there is a lot to do as we are only 4!!! podiatrists in Athens,which has 5 million people.
    Soon i will be asking for help!!
  2. elaine.dean Welcome New Poster

    Are you the Lefteris that used to work as a locum at Wyre PCT in Blackpool? If so, I have heard your name, and have even seen your old name badge in Teresa's office, and you do seem to be remembered fondly by all who knew you here.
    My name is Elaine and I am currently working for Wyre too. Hope the business plans go well! Good luck
  3. podomania Active Member

    :) Nice to hear that somebody knows and also remebers of me fondly...You made me happy Elaine. Yes i did work on a permanent contract though and not as a locum..People in Blackpool are the best...I ve got the best experience from my first job. Hope you have a nice environment there also and that you get on well with everyboy..Please be kind enough and send kisses to everybody (My "Mum", Teresa, Kate, Judith, John, Mr. Baxter, Mrs Prestwich...everybody).
    I hope my next thread is going to concern a difficult case and that you will able to help me..Bye
  4. podigiatro17 Welcome New Poster


    I am a US-trained podiatrist married into a Greek family. My husband has his Greek citizenship and his family lives in Greece. I would very much like to be able to practice podiatry in Greece so that I can move to Greece with my husband to be near his family. I was wondeing what the practice of podiatry is like in Greece at this time and any other information you might have!

    Thank you,

  5. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    The world gets smaller every day. :)
< I want to be a Podiatrist | Kalos sas Vrika (Glad to find you in greek) -- Warm hello! >

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