< Resi-dunces and Podiatry Negativity | Heloma millare >
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    I'm a 1st year student and would like to know what lesions are caused by the following:

    . Tension

    . Torsion

    (And) .Bending

    The lesions or a good online resorce would be great.

    Many thanks!
  2. Ads Welcome New Poster

    By the way I'm not being lazy I spent three hours the other day trying to find this out and turned up nothing as did my study group
  3. Tension: Plantar fasciitis, posterior tibial tendinitis/dysfunction, peroneal tendinitis/tendinosus, Achilles tendinitis/tendinosus, lateral ankle ligament injury in inversion ankle sprains, patellar tendinitis, gastrocnemius myotendinous tears, metatarsophalangeal joint capsulitis/plantar plate tears and many others.

    Possibly may be a component of Achilles tenditis/tendinosus. Some types of tibial and fibular fractures. Some types of fifth metatarsal fractures (spiral fractures of long bones are thought to be due to torsional moments acting across the long axis of the bone).

    Bending: Medial tibial stress syndrome, tibial stress fractures, fibular stress fractures, metatarsal stress fractures, some types of acute fractures of metatarsals, tibia and fibula.

    Degenerative joint disease of knee, ankle, midtarsal, and midfoot joints. Plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, intermetatarsal neuroma, Joplin's neuroma, intractable plantar keratosis, and many more.

    Shearing: Callouses/blisters/skin irritation on plantar foot or in areas contacting shoegear.

    Remember, don't forget compression and shearing, since they are very important also.

    Also, as a first year student, let me give you some advise. We didn't have "online resources" back when I was a first year podiatry student. We had these things called libraries where we had these things called books. ;)
    In other words, a good book on biomechanics will give you much more information on these subjects than any online resource. Here is one of my favorites: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/03...f=pd_bbs_2/104-6868649-3269508?_encoding=UTF8
  4. Ads Welcome New Poster

    Thanks for the help, we looked for ages online and in books. Our skills must not be honed yet!
  5. John Spina Active Member

    A VERY overlooked thing is the difference between tendonITIS(an inflammation of tendon) and tendonOSIS(scarring and thickening of same).Treatments are different for these 2 maladies.PT works best on the latter while stretching,rest,antiinfammatories do the job for the former.For tendonOSIS,ultrasound in particular is good
  6. Ads:

    Since I have provided your requested answers, now, here are your next questions to answer:

    1. What is the difference between eccentric and concentric muscle contraction?

    2. Why is it suspected that eccentric muscle contractions, and not concentric muscle contractions, are the major causes of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and tendon injuries such as tendinitis, tendinosus and tendon tears/splits?

    Happy hunting.
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