< Poor footwear in gout | Verruca during breastfeeding >
  1. Podboys Welcome New Poster

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    Hi Everyone

    Would microwave therapy for warts and laser therapy for mycotic nails a good investment for a new clinic?
    Anyone want to share the experience of using them?

  2. GarethNZ Active Member

    We have been using the Lunula laser for fungal nails and is a great alternative to the tablets, TNA and the very poor outcomes from topicals.

    We have just started with the Swift so haven't seen any outcomes yet but have a lot of clinics that we work with that have had really good results. Way better than digging holes in peoples feet!
  3. blinda MVP

    Investment for revenue? Maybe.

    Any RCTs for either? No.
< Poor footwear in gout | Verruca during breastfeeding >

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