< Depression | Talofibular Bony Impingement >
  1. Tim Foran Active Member

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    After the recent Australian Podiatry conference I left a little disappointed that all the new drills had no real improvement in vacuum suction from the 3 current promed drills I have.

    This got me thinking and after speaking with an electrician friend who said it could be possible whether anybody else has modified their drills vacuum. I was looking at getting a ducted unit and placing this in an unused area out the back of the practice where it is out of the way and running the flexible tubing through the false ceiling and running this through the walls to where the electrician would disable the contact switch at the wall and rewire it into the hand piece switch.

    If anybody has attempted a similar mod or has any suggestions I would love to hear your suggestions. I want the best possible suction available just so there is no dust in the air.
< Depression | Talofibular Bony Impingement >

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